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        I ran home and burst through the door to my house and searched for my mother. I ran upstairs and grabbed a switch blade that I kept in my desk, and then went to another drawer and got the pepper spray. She wasn't home, so I waited. However, this was a wait that I am happy to do. I got into my bed and acted as if I was asleep.

        About twenty minutes later, I heard the front door open. It's time for revenge. I heard her walking up the stairs. As she reached the top I heard her check her bedroom for my dad. When he wasn't there, she was shocked. I heard her come into my room and she came to my side of the bed, and she looked down at me. I could smell her breath. Alcohol, of course. Such a shocker. I suddenly opened my eyes and pepper sprayed her. She quickly grabbed her face, but then I heard something hit the floor. She was wearing glasses. As I was running down the staircase to grab my bags, I felt her jump onto me. I wasn't fast enough. I quickly rolled over and switched the position. I was holding both her arms so I couldn't grab my switch. Before I knew what was happening she kneed me. I crumpled over. She went to kick me, but I rolled to the side and she missed. I quickly stood up and got into defending position. Now I had my switch so I had an advantage. I swiped my blade at her. I'm not aiming to kill, just to seriously maim or injure. She dodged rather well. That means she isn't completely drunk. Both of us are trained in martial arts and street fighting, but she had better training and she is bigger than me. However, once again, I have the switch. She swiped her leg at mine and I fell to the ground. When she tried to kick me again I wasn't fast enough. Her foot came across my cheek and I once again made contact with the ground. She kicked my switch out of my hand and picked me up forcibly.
         "You don't mess with me. Got it?" She spat. I spit in her face and stepped on her foot. When she lost her grip I took my openings. I got one kick to her side and elbowed her in the face. She fell over and I ran to the door. I could hear her getting up. I grabbed my bags and went to open it but it was locked. When I got it unlocked I started sprinting to the street, but when I got the door open I fell down. She grabbed my ankle and put the switch in my leg. I didn't make a sound because of the amount of pain I was in. I quickly pulled it out, kicked her off my foot, and ran.

        I only got about 2 minutes before I stopped in an alleyway between a bar and a bowling alley. I reached into my bag and got one of my shirts and wrapped it around my leg. I can't really feel it right now, but the adrenaline is going to wear off eventually. I continued to try and stand, but immediately fell over. I guess I have lost too much blood. My vision started blurring. Shit, this is bad. This is really, really, really bad.

        "Yes, I know and I wi- hey, are you alright? Hold on a sec, I'll call you back. Hey! Hey are you okay?" A man yelled. I didn't realize he was addressing me until I felt someone shaking me.

        "Hey, you okay? Did you have a little too much to drink?" he asked with a laugh.. However it didn't last long. He had a sudden seriousness in his voice. "You're bleeding." No, really? He quickly looked at the shirt on my leg and untied it. Once he saw the gash on my leg, he quickly tied it back up and pulled out his phone."You lost a lost of blood, I'm calling an ambulance."

        "No, no please don't. I'll be fine..." I slurred. His voice sounded vaguely familiar. I could hear him talking to the operators. Okay, I definitely know that voice. When he finished talking he came back over and looked at me. My vision cleared up for a second and I gasped. Is it an illusion? Do my eyes decieve me? Because if I am correct, the person standing before me Cumberbatch. That's all I remember before passing out.


        When I woke up, I was in a hospital room. My brain felt fuzzy and my leg was sore. What's going on? I looked to the chair by the bed and saw Benedict. He looked up and smiled,"Ah, you're up! You lost quite a bit of blood, but they stitched you up and you should be all good!" he said happily. The doctor then walked in.

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