I wonder

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"Wanna go meet one of my friends at Starbucks or do you want to stay here?"

"Would I bother you guys?"

"Absolutely not."

"Okay! I need to get out of the house." I walked into the room to get dressed. I put on black jeans, green vans, a green tank top and my Loki jacket that looks like his armour and had the horns on the hood. I walked out and we went to Starbucks. I wonder which of his friends we are going to meet. Martin Freeman? Jensen Ackles? Helena Bonham Carter? We pulled up and went to the corner of the shop because we didn't want to be noticed. I didn't realize who we were meeting until I sat down and heard his voice.

"Hello Ben! I assume this is Madi?"

"Hi nice to meet yoooooouuuu are Tom H-Hiddleston holy shit." I said changing my sentence halfway through. My mouth hung agape as he shook my hand.

"Would you like a hug? You seem a bit in shock." He laughed.

"Yeah that'd-that'd be nice yeah." I said as he pulled me into a hug laughing. I'm hugging Tom Hiddleston."I see you are a fan of Loki!" He said flipping my hood over my head so the horns went up.

"Yes I am!" I said giggling. I sat down and Ben went to get our coffees as I chatted with Tom. "You know you are my absolute favorite character in Thor and Avengers right? I kid you not, when you fake died in Thor 2 I was full on crying in the theatre." (Also my reaction when it saw this movie. Even the second time I saw it I cried. Just wanted to tell ya xD. -xxxx Sky) he laughed as I blushed.

"Honestly it's good to know people like my character!" He said with a genuine smile. "I know it's probably a stupid question but are you a Hiddlestoner?"

"Duh" I said with giggle.

"So I am also correct to assume that you are a part of Loki's Army?"

"Loyal servant to you my rightful king of Asgard!" I spoke as I bowed. He laughed at my gesture.

"Yes that's right, bow you foolish mortal. Bow to your king." He spoke as Loki with an evil grin. We both broke character seconds later as we burst out laughing and high fived. Ben came back with the coffee and we started talking about movies and stuff. About 45 minutes later we said goodbye and walked out the door.

"Goodbye my king." I said bowing as I walked out the door and I heard Ben laugh.

"Farewell my soldier." He said as Loki and stood tall.

We walked to the car and I immediately yelled," YOU ARE THE BEST BOYFRIEND EVER!!" I tackled him in his seat and kissed him. I heard him giggle. I got off him and we drove home. It was about dinner time so he cooked some steak and mashed potatoes. We ate and got changed for bed. When I walked in the room I didn't see Ben. I felt arms wrap around my chest. He just loves to sneak up on me doesn't he.

"Would you like to find out why they call it the purple shirt of sex?" He whispered. That's so horribly cheesy that it worked.

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