Shit.....goes dowwwwwwwwwn

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It's been over a year since Madi got shot. I don't know what to do. The apartment is just empty. I've taken to drinking. I practically never go outside unless I'm going to visit her. I go see her every Wednesday and weekends. It pains me just to see her. This is like a nightmare. A never ending nightmare. I made myself some dinner. I prepared a most exquisite meal of...... Beef top ramen -_- of all things I burned my fingers on the water a few times, of course. I got a glass of dr pepper and sat down to eat. I miss being able to look up and have a conversation. I haven't actually spoke to anyone in months. They leave messages on my phone and text me like crazy but I just delete them. I don't care and I won't care until the day she comes back.

Then I heard a knock at the door and opened it to find Olivia. What a supri-not...

"Benny I have missed you so much!" She said jumping onto me and squeezing me pretty much to death.

"Leave." I said sternly. I still don't need to talk to anyone.

"Aw but I just got here! Why don't I make some coffee and we watch some television, hm?" She said happily.

"No Olivia I don't want to-"

"Great! I'll start the coffee!" She said walking into the house. Ugh there is no use fighting this... Might as well let her stay. Oi vey....

She made the coffee and I sat down to put on some supernatural. She was fake laughing, and not even in the correct parts. When I would laugh she would start a lagged laugh and try to do it louder like she actually knew what was happening.

"So is there a reason in particular that you came or...?"

"Yes, there is. I think that you and I should maybe-"

"Noooooooooope!" I said trying to pull her off the couch and out the door. She used my force against me and pulled me back to the couch. She quickly swung her legs over me so I couldn't move."Let. Me. Go"

"Mmmmm nah I don't wanna." Then she kissed me. My heart shattered as the door busted open and I looked to see Madi's face. Let me tell you right now that there is very little hurt in her eyes. She practically had flames in her iris. But I noticed it wasn't directed at me, it was at Olivia.

"What did you do to my boyfriend. Now I know for a fact he wouldn't cheat he is just not that guy and you seemed to be straddling him along with smirking which means you were hoping this would happen. Now I am going to give you an option, either leave now or I will mess up your ugly ass face so fast your head will spin off your stupid little shoulders. You have 5 seconds." She said calmly with the anger completely prominent in her eyes.

"That was hot." I murmured.

"Thanks babe." She said with a chuckle, the flames she called her eyes never gazing upon me. I noticed a bit of Olivia's toughness fading as Madi's grew more and more threatening.

Olivia got up off of me and walked over with a fake tough attitude, leaned down in Madi's face and said,"No bitch. I won't be leaving anytime so-" BAM! Madi punched her right in the jaw and kicked her side with exquisite force, and delivered one final blow to her chest from Madi's foot to end it all. She fell backwards onto the floor.

"Wrong choice."


So as I said earlier shit went DOWWWWWWNNNNNNNNN! I love you all! The story is coming to a close so remember to just take a quick second of your life to vote for it! Share it with your tumblr buddies! Share it with anyone! Thanks my lovelies!

-xxxx Sky <3

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