The date

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Madi POV

        When I woke up, I didn't recognize where I was. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I tried to stand but then I felt sharp, burning pain in my leg. Oh my God. It wasn't a dream.  I heard knocking at the door.

 "Hey, are you awake?" Ben asked.

        "Yeah, just gimme a second." I quickly popped the pain pill in my mouth and took a sip from my water bottle. Then I threw a mint in my mouth. I stood up and walked to the door. I opened it a crack and looked at Ben. "Yeeeeeeeeeees?" I said.

        "I was thinking we should go do something today. Go to the movies or something. That way I can take your mind off everything that's been happening." he said quietly. He still had bedhead. Ehehehehe.

        "Sure! Just let me get dressed!" I said and walked to my bag. I opened it but there were no clothes in it. Crap. "Hey Ben, I don't have any clothes..." I said timmidly.

        "Oh, ok! let's stop by the mall and get you some clothes!"

        "Are you sure that's okay?" I asked.

        "Oh yeah, that's fine!" he said walking to go get clothes on. I walked back into the room and put on my bra and just put the tank top back on and put on my bloodstained shorts. I quickly brushed my hair and teeth, put on some flip flops, and walked to the living room. Ben was there waiting. "Alright, you ready?" he asked.

        "Yep!" I said walking to the door. I was walking with ease now. We walked down the stairs and when we got to the car, Ben opened the door for me. Such a gentleman. We drove for about 20 minutes until we reached the mall.

        "To wherever you enjoy shopping!" he announced as we walked into the mall.

        "Alright, well I need essentials so I need to stop by a Victoria Secret." I said walking in the direction of the store. He nodded following me. When I got to the store he told me he was going to wait outside for me. I walked in and picked out 3 simple black bra's. I checked out and then we walked to the next store. We stopped in a hot topic and I got 2 Sherlock tank tops, 3 Doctor Who tank tops, a Supernatural tank top. Can't forget my fandom merch, now can I? We checked out and randomly went to stores. I got a few pairs of jeans, a few pairs of shorts, some skirts, and more shirts. We made our final stop at a vans store. I got 2 pairs of vans and socks from there.

        We were making our way back to the car when I noticed a group forming behind us. I don't know exactly what they are thinking but I am pretty sure it is something along the lines of,"HOLY CRAP IS THAT BENEDICT CUMMBERBATCH?!BVYUBFUKWBFBWEOBHAKS" Unfortunately,, Ben noticed how I was looking behind me a lot.

        "Something wrong?" he asked about to turn around.

        "No nothing at all." I said turning his head forward before the fangirls saw him.

        "Are you sure?"

        "Yeah, I'm s-"

        "But I want to check-"

        "No you don-"

        "What is it?"


        "It's somethi-"

        "No there isn't just don't-"

        "I'm gonna!" He said turning his head. I saw all the fangirls eyes go wide with schock. Ben looked over to me and smiled. He grabbed my bags quickly,"Get on my back." he laughed. I was confused but I did it. I now realize why. The girls were full on spriting toward us. I laughed.

        "RUN FASTER! YOU CAN DO IT! YOU JUST GOTTA BELIEVE! FAITH TRUST AND PIXIEEE DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUST!" I yelled as Ben laughed. We got to the car and he put me in the passenger seat and quickly put the bags in the back and got into the drivers seat. We took off like bats out of hell. After a minute or so we pulled over. We looked at each other and laughed."That was amazing!" I laughed.

        "Oh, why thank you." he said giggling. The laughter died out and we just looked at each other. After a while Ben cleared his throat and we drove off. We stopped by the house so I could change, and then we took off for the movie theatre."What do you want to see?"

        "I don't really know. Let's see something cool." I said excitedly.

        "Ok." Ben said happily. We got tickets to Ride Along and got some candy. We both got Maltesers and decided to just split a large soda.

-skipping movie-

        We walked out of the theatre discussing what was the best moment of the movie while laughing. It was honestly the funniest thing I have EVER seen. As we walked to the car, Ben looked nervous. I was concerned, but I didn't say anything. I continued to talk about the moive, and he laughed, but that look wouldn't disappear. When we got into the car I noticed Ben kept staring at me. I normally wouldn't notice but it was obvious to me. On the way home, I noticed his hand was fidgeting. We talked about the movie until we had parked in front of his apartment. He took out the key and we both looked at each other. He stared at me for a while, that same look on his face. It looked like he was.. nervous. I suddenly realized why. A moment later, I felt his lips on mine. I was shocked, so I didn't do anything at first. He stopped and looked down."I'm sorry I shouldn't ha-"

        I cut him off by pulling him in for a kiss. He seemed taken aback. When I pulled away he looked at me and a tiny smile played on his lips. We both got out of the car and grabbed the bags out of the trunk. The walk up the staircase seemed longer for some reason. When we went in, we immediately set our stuff down and walked into my, well technically, his room. He pushed me against the bed and kissed me again. This time, he tried things a little differently. He slowly added in tongue. I didn't resist, but I was timid having never really kissed anyone before.

        By the time we were finished with our little make out session, we were both tired out. We changed into our pajamas and I felt him snuggle up behind me in the bed. He held me in his arms as we drifted off to sleep.

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