In The End

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All right guys I combined the chapter and the epilogue so you wouldn't have to wait. Remember I have my Tom Hiddleston story out now! You guys ready to skip? Here we go *TARDIS NOISE*

-December 25, 2013-

It's the day of the wedding and it's snowing outside. It's absolutely gorgeous. I went into my dressing room with all my brides maids including Freema, Katherine, Karen, Jenna, and my maid of honor Billie. She was getting married in June for an outdoor wedding. All my girls wore strapless knee length blue dresses with blue sequins at the top.

Then there was my dress. It was the dress I had dreamed about since I was a child. It was a white Cinderella gown with the fallen sleeves on the side. It had snow flakes on the top and once it got to the waist the snowflakes separated and scattered more until there was none left at the bottom. It had a faint hint of glitter in the bottom half of the dress where is puffed out. It looked stunning, especially with the sunlight shining on the sparkles. I had a diamond tiara with a rather long vail that also had snowflakes sticker into it and I could have cried it was so beautiful. I think the girls were going to cry too.

In just the one month we really knew each other we became the best of friends and I could ask for anything better than them. There was no higher ranking than my new friends. Of course my husband is above them but that is really obvious. I just can't wait until it's time.


I put on my tuxedo and greeted my best man Tom, and my groomsmen David, Matt, Arthur, and Dean. Sadly Sam couldn't make it. They were in the middle of a job and Sam decided to stay because he knew Dean wanted to come really bad. I walked down the isle and took my place. Next thing I knew the music began playing. This is it. I thought I would have been more nervous going into my own wedding but I don't have a worry in my mind and I find it to be the best feeling in the world.

The maid of honor, Billie, and my best man, Tom, walked down the isle with linked arms and split into their correct sides when they reached the altar. Same went for the next 4 maids and groomsmen. Then the flower girl came with a mix of blue and white flowers. This is it, here we....


...go. I stepped out and slowly walked down the isle and I saw a tear falling from Billies eyes. The large group made up entirely of Bens friends that are now my friends AND FAMILY. Looked so in shock at the apparent beauty that followed me. I reached the altar and the routine continued. After about 5 minutes we reached the point.

"May we have the rings?" The priest asked and 2 children which I assume to be relatives of Bens came up to bring the rings. I put the ring on Bens finger first. It was a gold band with forever engraved on it.

"I promise to have and to hold you in sickness and health until death do us part." I said a tear now falling from my eye. This is it, a few more words.


After she out the ring on my finger it was my turn. I pulled out a silver ring and the top looked like a ribbon wave. I bought it because it was unique and beautiful just like her. I slipped it on her finger and said,"I promise to hold you in sickness in health until death do us part." And then the priest said the final words that would finish it.


"You may kiss the bride." He pulled back my veil and kissed me. The whole crowd stood up and applauded and let me just tell you, that was the best night of my life and I can't wait to spend forever with the man that I will forever be hopelessly in love with.


"I'm so glad you're mine."


"Luna stop, you need to do your homework! You are in highschool now, you should know better. Niall could you be a dear and take out the trash for me, oh and get Rose for me please!" I told my kids. I had to have them help with the chores since we have another baby on the way. 6 months through and it is a boy. His name is going to be Harry. We are kind of sticking with the fandom names. I remember Tumblr like yesterday. I haven't logged in for a while.

Well since I am waiting for Rose to get down I might as well tell you about what's been going on. We have 3 kids and counting. Luna is the oldest and she is 17, Niall is 14 and Rose is 11. They can be a pain but they are sweethearts. Me and Ben just absolutely adore them and they know it too. All out friends love coming over just to talk to them. They are very out there and charismatic like Ben. They have my eyes though. My life is great and I couldn't possibly ask for more.

"I'm home!" Ben yelled through the house. Rose jumped into his arms as he walked into the kitchen where I was cooking dinner.

"You might want to sit down Ben I have some news for you."

"Oh boy... Ok let's hear it!" He said closing his eyes tight and waiting for the news.

"Luna has a boyfriend." I said speedily.

"What!?! I swear if he even TOUCHES her or breaks ONE LITTLE HAIR on her head I will kill him. Nobody would ever think to look in our backyard!" He said and kissed Rose on the cheek.

I walked to Luna,"Its ok, your father doesn't understand. Hey did I ever tell you how we ended up together?"

"No! But I want to hear." She said excitedly.

"Well it all started on a cold night when your poor mother had been damaged beyond belief, and then that's when he came and shined a beacon of light on me. And in that moment I knew that nothing would ever be the same.."

The End

"We are all stories in the end, just try to make it a good one."

-The Doctor

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