Fuck You Russel T. Davies

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        I woke up to the smell of an angel. Oh wait that's just Madi. Teehee. Oh my God PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER MAN! I got out of bed and looked to Madi She was sprawled out on the bed and snoring lightly. Good GOD SHE IS ADORABLE. Once again....PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! I put on some pj pants and walked out to the kitchen. I got out everything. I pulled out strawberries, bisquick, bacon, syrup and powdered sugar. I poured the water in the bisquick and started mixing. As the pancakes were cooking I started the bacon and I was afraid the smell would wake her up. I placed the pancakes and bacon strategically on the plate so it had the pancakes in the middle with the bacon on a side dish. I put syrup on the pancakes, strawberries on that, and then put powdered sugar on top. I was finishing up her plate when I felt arms snake around my waist.

        "Morning babe." She said lazily as she kissed the side of my neck. She went to sit down and eat her pancakes. As she leaned down to take a bite of her pancakes, her hair got in the syrup. I let out a little laugh as she groaned. She washed it out in the sink and then pulled her hair back into a ponytail and sat back down. Whoa she has 2 cartilage piercings on both ears. Didn't notice that. Anyways," I really enjoyed yesterday." She said with a laugh. "I'm glad you did." We both started laughing with the recollection of yesterday. People can be so..so...crazy!

        "My birthday is in a couple days!" She announced as if she was shocked she knew that. Then she smiled,"YES I AM GONNA BE 24!" She yelled out as she got up and started dancing. I wish she didn't because he was only wearing a bra and some pj shorts. Jeez I feel like a perv. She sat down to finish her food and then flicked on the TV. I joined her after I had finished my food and we put on Netflix. She clicked Doctor Who. She decided to put on Journeys End or something like that.


         "I needed to catch up. My absolute favorite companion ROSE TYLER is in it." she said happily

        I was doing the dishes when I heard her start yelling and crying. I ran over to her and asked if she was okay. Apparentlly, shit went down. "WHY DIDNT HE SAY THAT HE FUCKING LOVED HER? WHY?!?! FUCK YOU RUSSEL T DAVIES. I LOVED THEM WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. DO YOU ENJOY MY PAIN? DO YOU DRINK A CUP FULL OF MY TEARS FOR DESERT? MY OTP SHALL LIVE ON, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO!" And with that she ran to the corner with a pillow, sat in the corner and sobbed into the pillow as she rocked back and forth.(just FYI that was MYY personal experience when I watched that episode. I didn't move for like an hour lol ok I will let you lovelies continue reading -xxxx Sky) I giggled a bit. I like the sensitive side of Madi that apparently only comes out when she is watching a tv show....whatever works for her.

        After about 30 minutes of sobbing she kinda calmed down but she was still shaking, her eyes were swollen and bloodshot, her lips were dry, her nose was red and runny, and her breathing came out in short gasps.

        "Oh my God are you okay?!" I asked.

        "I'm f-fine. This a-actually happens a lot because of this show." She said as she broke into another sobbing fit. I pulled her into the bedroom and sat her up against the headboard as I held her in a tight hug. I giggled at how sensitive she is when it comes to that show. I rubbed her arm and whispered in her ear that it was going to be okay.

        "Thank y-you." she stumbled out.

        "Why?" I laughed a little.

        "You haven't backed out of the room thinking I'm insane." She smiled at me. I love this woman.

        "Well how about we go get some ice cream then!" I suggested and she was already up and running to the dresser. She threw on some black leggings and a Doctor Who shirt. She ran to the door and got on her blue vans and finger combed her hair.

        "Ready?" She asked smiling and biting her lip. I'm still in my robe....

        "Just a second let ME get dressed." I said walking to the room.

        "HURRY UP!" She yelled. I then ran out of the room in some jeans and a black t-shirt.

        "Okay impatient one. Let's go!" I said running to the car.

-skipping car ride-

        "Ok so what would you like?" I asked.

        "Um I don't know lemme look, go ahead and order if you know what you want though."

        "Ok! I will have a single scoop of world class chocolate in a sugar cone please."

        "And I think I will do a single scoop of the rocky road in a sugar cone." She added right after me. We paid and got our ice cream. I looked at the receipt and saw the girls phone number then I fully turned to face her, smiled, ripped the receipt the shreds and let the remains fall right in front of her face. I then told Madi we should go and walked out as her mouth was open in amazement. As we were walking out the door she raised her hand and yelled," Nice try bitchhhhhhh!" as she flipped her off and laughed. We drove back and she changed into some black plaid pj pants and a black bandeau and walked back out. She immediately started giggling. "You have some chocolate on your lip." She said.

        I went to wipe it off when she grabbed my hand to stop me. She kissed me and her tongue would swipe over my upper lip to get the ice cream. jsjdiahsufjenwosjnwoajxmeoqkdutvtywjoebe I can't even. When she was satisfied, she asked me what I wanted to do today. Hmmmmm I don't know. "What do YOU wanna do?"

        "Does lazy day sound good to you?" She said unsure.

        "Oh yes." We both immediately ran to the room and jumped on the bed. She picked out something called "Supernatural".

        "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE NEVER WATCHED THIS!? HELL TO THE NO! I'LL GET THE POPCORN AND YOU NEED TO START THE FIRST EPISODE BUDDY BOY!" She laugh/yelled. She came back with the popcorn and we ended up finishing the first half of the season. I must watch. I...need...Supernatural. Madi was pretty happy with herself in getting me hooked. She turned off the TV and snuggled into me. I fell definitely fell asleep before she did...

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