Movie premier

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<Quick thank you to KINDFRUITBAT for the ideas in the next chapter or two>


"Hey babe."


"Would you like to go out tonight?"

"I would love to."

"One thing you should know."


"It the Enders Game premier so there will be paparazzi."

"Ha. Ha.ha.h-no" she said with a shocked expression.

"Aw why not?" I asked with a puppy dog sad face.

"I HATE having my picture taken!" She groaned.

"C'mon it'll be fun! Just this once, please?" I pleaded.




"But if you'd ju-"


"C'mon pl-"



"Ask again and you die"

"Ugh fine" I chuckled. She is adorable when she is frustrated.

"I love you." I whispered nudging her.

"I love you to, but I'm still not going." She said sweetly as she kissed me.

"Fine then can I at least attempt to convince you one last time."

"Be my guest!" She said happily with an interested tone.

"I will buy you 20 chocolate b-"

"Done" she said quickly. "What time does it start. What do I need to wear."

"Wear anything you like and it starts at 7:10." I said happily. Where is a staples button when you need it.


I ran into my room and got out what I wanted to wear. I grabbed some red jeans and my black Dean Winchester tee. I put my long brown hair into a katniss braid. I put on my black eyeliner and mascara. I then added some watermelon smuckers lip gloss, because who doesn't love that? Hah I have no idea what you are supposed to wear for these things but whatevs. I grabbed my black vans and ran to the couch it was 6:15. Ben walked out and he was wearing a tuxedo and suddenly I felt like shit. "Alright let's go!" He said taking my hand and walking out the door.

"Wait but shouldn't I change?"

"Why would you do that?"

"Because you look all fancy and I look like teenage trash." I said quietly. He made a disappointed face and walked over to me. He pulled me into a long kiss.

"I love you and I don't care what you wear because you will always be beautiful no matter what you wear. Screw other peoples opinions." He said as he hugged me. Wow. I just realized how tall he really was.

When we arrived we were immediately bombarded with cameras. Many shocked gasps came out. "Hey that's the girl that was with him on tumblr. It IS true then!" He said as he snapped photos like crazy. I was faking a smile so hard that it was believable. They all seemed shocked by my choice of outfit. "Oh god what the hell is she wearing..." I heard from someone. Knew it FUKIN KNEW IT. We walked quickly into the theatre.

"Phew I made it. I knew that someone was taking pictures on our first date." I said sadly. Oh well might as well enjoy the show.

-skipping the movie-

That movie was so good! I HAVE to get that when it comes out on DVD. We drove home and I ran into the bedroom. I put on Hercules and curled into a ball. I heard Ben come in and scream like a little girl. I quickly looked up. "WHAT HAPPENED!"

"Nothing just a spider." He said calmly. GAH seriously? I was almost asleep asshole. And with that he retired to bed with me and we continued watching Hercules....and 3 other Disney movies.

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