Call me

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I woke up nauseous and remembered what had happened. SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT! I looked around to make sure nobody was there. Oh thank god I think I'm in here alone. I looked at my pockets and my phone wasn't there. Wow. That is another SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT!!!!!!!!! I really hope I dropped it by the bathroom...(wow look at those amazing foreshadowing skills... -xxxx Sky)

-meanwhile in Bens POV-

Hmm. Is she okay? I'm almost at the front of the line and it's been like 10 minutes. I mean I know there is crowds but jeez. I stepped out of line and walked over to the girls restroom area. I stopped when something glinted out of the corner of my eye. There was something near the back of the building. I walked over to pick it up. OOO maybe its a ring. Oh it's just a cell pho-wait a second. I know that background. Oh my god. No no no no no this cannot be happening. Please just be lost, please please please please please!!!!

I ran to the security area and asked them to page her. I waited for half an hour. Ok don't panic it's ok. It's all going to be okay. Please let it be okay! I didn't inform them because I didn't want to start a fuss in the tabloids about how Cumberbatch's girl went missing and all the girls are like "She didn't deserve you anyways." I ran home and quickly started panicking. I then got a call on Madi's phone.

Me: Hello?

Female voice(anon): Hi there Benny boy.

Me: Who the hell are you? Tell me what you did with Madi or I'll-

Anon: Whoa watch the temper. Lover girl might lose a finger or two if you blow up like that again.

Me: Okay fine, how much money do you want?

Anon: Oh sweetie. I don't want money.

Me: Then what do you require? If you want her alive meet at the old factory building. You have exactly 45 minutes to get here or pretty girl here goes into the crusher.

Then I heard Madi in the background


Then I heard a gun shot and a scream of pain.

Anon: Hurry lover boy or she gets shot again but this time it will be fatal.



HAHAHAHAHAHAHA because fuck everything. Sorry for another somewhat cliffhanger. I'm sad so I'm writing it out in the chapters. I just got my very first D and basically I cry when I get a C so imagine what happened with a D. Anyways I'm sad and you are suffering for it because I'm an evil genius so hahaha and all that other shit. I'm gonna go kill myself now so bye....

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