The ACTUAL party

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When I woke up 5 minutes later I noticed everyone was in costume including David. They had also set up the house! They had a banner saying Happy 50th! They had TARDIS lights and decor EVERYWHERE. They even had a giant bow tie on the wall! It was just so perfect. I went up to personally meet everyone. First Freema and Matt, then Katherine and John Hurt. Next thing I know Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill walk in! Could it get any better? Why yes, yes it could. After talking to Karen and Arthur for a while I hear the door open again! Now Tom, Sam, and Dean walk in!

Once they got here we went to the meteor room(which I didn't even know existed) and put on random Doctor Who episodes. I had Ben on my right, Tom on my left, David and Matt by my legs, and Dean and Sam behind me. All of these wonderful people are here. After a few episodes it was time for cupcakes. I walked into to kitchen while I chatted with Jenna and realized when he said dessert he meant dessert. We had cupcakes with TARDIS's on top, a TARDIS cake, blue chocolate for fondue(don't ask how) and even those weird alien fruit things from the Rings of Akhaten episode. I tried one of the fruits first and I realized it was a blue cup with a jello sphere in the middle. I don't even remember how many I had but I think I are over half of them. While everyone was chatting I walked to the back of the apartment to get something out of my room. I stopped halfway to find a worried David on one of the chairs.

"Hey are you ok?" I said as I came up behind him and kissed his cheek.

"I need to tell you something, BUT you had to promise not to tell."

"Cross my heart!" I said smiling.

"I will be proposing to Billie tonight." He said with a nervous smile.(yes in this he isn't married I mean come on Rose/Ten is my OTP why wouldn't I make this happen. -xxxx Sky). I muffled a scream.

"Oh my God I'm so excited for you! I totally ship your characters and now it will be cannon in real and fictional terms! YES!" I said as I hugged him.

"I'm worried she will say no..." He said weakly.

"Are you serious? She will say yes I can guarantee it!"


"Really really, now come on ALLONS-Y!" I declared and I could have sworn I saw him wink at Ben almost as if signaling something. I walked over but Ben stopped me.

"All right guys can I have your attention! First Billie stand here and Madi you stand here. Good and now the second reason I brought you all here tonight. We have an announcement." He said putting me and Billie back to back. We looked back at each other, shrugged and then started giggling. That's when I realized what was happening. First started David. He walked up to Billie and said,"I have known you for a very long time, and I love you more than my trench coat. And I want you to travel space and time with me forever."

Then started Ben,"So while we have your attention we just want to ask you a question." Then Ben and David got down on one knee and at the same time asked the question we knew was going to be asked.

"Will you marry me?"

We both had a tear falling from our eyes and we both said once again at the same time,"Yes!" They sprung up to hug us and slipped on the ring. I turned to Billie and she showed me her ring while I showed her mine. We hugged each other and then went back to our fiancée's. Everyone cheered. After the excitement dialed down the time to leave had arrived. Everyone handed me their phone numbers as they walked out the door. Greatest night ever just got greater. Tom, Sam, Dean, David, and Billie stayed behind. We got out the wine and said a toast. David and Billie said their goodbyes after 20 minutes or so.

"Have fun you too." I said while winking and Billie went red.

"Use protection!" Dean yelled and we all busted out laughing and this time David went red. They walked out to door and left. Dean and Sam stayed for a while. We joked and laughed. Both those boys were so charismatic and hilarious. Dean knew jokes and Sam made the wise ass jokes. After a while they decided they needed to leave to go to their "job" *wink wink*. I asked Tom when he was leaving.

"Oh probably soon." He said sadly.

"WE SHOULD HAVE A SLEEPOVER!" I said excitedly!

"Yes!" Tom said excitedly and then we put on our puppy dog faces to Ben.

"Why the hell would I say no?!" Ben laughed.

"I brought PJs because I was hoping this would happen." Tom said and ran to the bathroom. Me and Ben ran to the bedroom and started getting changed. I put on my pikachu feetie pajamas(Grace you know who I am referring to), and Ben put on his purple and black feetie pajamas. I beat him and ran out the door.

"I WIN MOTHAFUCKA!" I shouted in victory. Ben came out and started laughing.

"Damn. Nice pajamas I didn't know you bought those!" He told me. It had the ears and the tail. Then Tom stepped out of the bathroom. He had Loki feetie pajamas(of course) with the horns(of course again).

"Bow to me you mewling quim." He spat. I quickly ran to his feet and bowed.

"Yes master!" I whispered. I looked up at him and then we both bursted out laughing along with Ben. We decided to make some kettle corn and watch a movie. "Wait we need soda and candy!" I yelled. We ran into the car and I took the backseat. We drove to the nearest gas station to get soda and candy. Tom kept on his horns and we ran up to the register, candy and soda in hand, and giggling uncontrollably. The cashier looked up at us.

"Oh my gosh, correct me if I'm wrong but are you Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston, and Madi?" She asked excitedly.

"Why don't I have a last name in the media I don't understand!" I stated.

"Want a souvenir love?"


"Give me your phone." Tom told her. He logged onto her tumblr account.

"Hi I'm Benedict Cumerbatch and this is my girlfriend and Tom Hiddleston. We are in a gas station in our feetie pajamas and we found a fan which you guys must know as....?"

"Oh I'm Alyson!"

"Alyson and he wanted an autograph but we gave her this instead. Follow her now or Loki will hunt you down." He turned the camera to Tom.

"I think most of the girls on tumblr want that Benny boy. Plus look at me in not exactly the most threatening person in the world." He said and gave the girl a kiss on the cheek. This is true.

"Well bye!" I said to the camera and we all made a weird face. After that we left.

"God I hope my girlfriend Katie(hint hint. -xxxx Sky) doesn't see this." Tom said. We rode back home to eat our candy and such. We put in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and sat in the meteor room I snuggled up between Tom and Ben and fell asleep halfway through the movie. Once again. Best. Day. EVER.

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