The Demons Inside Us

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        "Hey do you have cocoa puffs?"

        "No but i can run and get some if you like."

        "Um can you please?" I asked embarrassed.

        "Sure I will be right back." He said as I walked over and kissed him goodbye.

        "Thanks babe!" I yelled as he walked out the door. I was catching up on Supernatural when there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and was greeted by a fist in my face.

        "Mommy missed you." my mother spoke slowly. Shit, well Ben should be back from the store pretty soon. I mean, it's only down the street.


Should I get whole or 2% milk?


        She swung at me and I dodged, but I wasn't prepared for the knee that came straight into my face when I did. I stumbled backwards into the kitchen. As she followed me in, I went right for the knives. However, she already had MY switch blade in her hand. "Remember this?" she asked. She immediately started to swing at me. Her technique was sloppy, so I might have a good chance of beating her. As she continued on in a sloppy manner, I continued moving backwards. I waited for the perfect chance, and then it happened. She swung at such an angle, I was able to grab her wrist and disarm her. I knocked her down onto her back and quickly punched her in the side of the face. As she reached to guard her face, I grabbed her arms and put them next to her head. Since she was a little out of it, I don't have to be very particular on the technique. She is weak, so I don't have to worry about her getting up. I took my blade and held it up to her throat. She immediately stopped struggling. I have the upper hand.

        "Leave us alone and I won't kill you right here, right now." I said dangerously. She looked up and scowled.

        "Fine." she grunted.

        I kicked her out the door and she ran. If she does come back again, I am killing her.


        "I am so sorry it took an hour but I had to go to another grocery store because the one down the street was closed. There was a huge line AND I stopped to get you these beautiful flowers." I said happily handing her flowers. Her face immediately lit up.

        "NEON DIP DYED DAISIES??!! Those are my FAVORITE!" She yelled as she put them in a vase. "My birthday is tomorrow you know." She said happily. My face went red and she started smirking. "Is it bad that I know what you are thinking?" She said mischievously. I'm pretty sure I was even more red than before if possible.

        "Not sure what you are talking about." I said.

        She came up behind me and whispered in my ear,"Sweetie, I think you and I both know what you were thinking." and then kissed behind my ear. I felt a shiver run up my spine. Ok maybe I CAN do this tomorrow.

-skipping the rest of the day-

        We retired to bed at about 11 pm and all I could do was watch her. Oops that sounds bad. Let me try again. I couldn't fall asleep so I decided to watch h- nope still the same. Oh well you get the idea but she started whimpering about Dean so I thought she was dreaming about Supernatural. How could I blame her, the show is absolutely marvelous. With this I decided to sleep and I too dreamt of Supernatural with Madi by my side as we fought off the demons together forever and always, she will be mine and I will be hers.

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