Chapter 1

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A/N- I'm honestly cringing so bad rn. I hate writing Naruhina, but the story must go on.

Naruto's Pov

I felt a cold chill ripple down my body, so I felt around for the warm blankets. I couldn't find them anywhere, so I groaned and sat up in bed rubbing my tired cerulean eyes. I looked around and started to panic when Hinata wasn't laying beside me.

I wasn't sleepy anymore but more of worried and anxious. I ran up and down the halls of our mansion searching for where she might have gone.

"Hinata!" I opened door after door, but she wasn't there. I heard footsteps behind me, so I turned around hoping it was Hinata safe and sound.

"Dad what are you doing up so late," I gave him a questioning look and chuckled.

"Me? What about you and I'm looking for your mother." He pouted and crossed his arms.

"I'm not a little kid you know I'll be 13 soon, and mom left a little while ago with Himawari." I made a puzzling face and tried to figure out why she would leave so late with Himawari.

"Do you know where she went." Baruto looked up at me and shook his head. I nodded and patted his fluffy blonde hair.

"So are ya hungry how about some ramen." He nodded his head and smiled.

"Last one to the kitchen has to wash dishes." I left him in the hall to catch up with me. I'm still a kid at heart. It didn't talk long for him to catch up with me, for he was a naturally fast kid. I looked to my left and right for any advantage I could find. Then I had my game plan.

Instead of going down the stairs, why not slide. I smirked and took a glimpse over at Baruto who was already starting to pass me up, but not for long. As soon as we reached the stairs, I sat on the railing and began sliding down to the bottom.

"Alright go dad!" I felt a slight breeze blow across my face as I descended to the first floor. It was all fun and games until my crotch came in contact with the end of the railing.

"Ah! There goes the d batteries." I collapsed onto the floor and held onto my crotch for dear life. I heard light steps and a girly chuckled laughter. I looked up still slightly in pain and saw Hinata holding Himawari.

"Ta-Da," I removed my hands and waved them around magically. Hinata rolled her eyes and stuck out her hand for me to grab.

"Oh Naruto what am I going to do with you." I smiled and scratched the back of my head sheepishly. She began to walk off but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a kiss.

"What where you doing out so late anyways Mrs.Uzumaki?" I looked at her suspiciously and smiled.

"Especially with Himawari. You know she needs rest. She's still a baby." I poked Himawaris sleeping cheek and she smiled lightly which caused my heart to flutter. I loved both of my children with all of my heart, yet with Hinata, it's like a school girl crush. I mean yes, I do care about her but... Not like I loved Sasuke.

When I kiss her,I imagine her as Sasuke, and I feel terrible about it. I guess that's because I've grown on her these past couple of years.

"I just went out to the store to get more diapers. There's nothing to worry about. I need to go put Himawari in her crib, and I'll make you and Baruto breakfast. Hows that sound." My mouth watered at the thought of me eating Hinata's homemade pancakes. I don't have time to answer because Baruto answered faster than me.

"Yes mom! Fix some of your pancakes," he jumped down from the bottom step and patted his stomach. Hinata and I both chuckled, and she kissed us both on the cheek before going to put Himawaor in her crib.

While she was gone, my mind drifted to the past and how my life could have been. Naruto Uchiha, I felt happy and sad at the thought of that name. We could have adopted a child and raised it, but he chose Sakura. I felt my eyes stinging with tears, but I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Baruto tug at my shirt.

"Dad are you ok." I blinked a coupled of times and nodded with a smile. I bent down on one knee and rested my hands on his shoulders.

"Don't worry about your old man ok. I'm going to be just fine." Baruto gave me a 'for real' expression and pulled my hands off of him.

"Um dad, your so uncool." My mouth dropped open and Baruto smiled. I balled up my first and gave him a playful angry glare. He laughed and put his hands up in defense.

"Okay boys who's ready for pancakes." Hinata had her hair in a bun and wore an apron.

"Meee!" Baruto and I said in perfect sync. We both shot glares at each other and smiled.

"You know dad I'm going to get the first stack of pancakes." I widened my eyes and scowled.

"Oh Baruto, how wrong you are my child." Hinata came out of the kitchen and sat a big stack of pancakes down in front of both Baruto and I.

"You know boys, you shouldn't underestimate a woman's cooking skills." I smiled and dug in as did Baruto.

As I was eating I thought back to what Hinata had told me. If she went to buy diapers, why didn't she have them when she came in?


It's so hot in my room rn it's not even funny. I'm also writing another fanfiction called The Original. The pairing is again Naruto and Sasuke, but with a twist. Comment/Vote and thx for reading!!

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