Chapter 11

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Sakura's Pov

I rolled over in bed all alone, once again. I was happy when Sasuke married me, even if I knew he still loved Naruto. I can never replace him, I know that, but still parts of me hasn't given up yet. I felt a single tear roll down my cheek as I got up and got dressed for the day.

"Sarada sweet heart get up and get dressed," truth be told I don't know if I love Sarada. I envy her. Sasuke gives her so much love and I'm left with nothing. It sounds bad to hate your own daughter, but I can't help but feel jealous of her.

"Coming mom!" She walked into the kitchen and had her school uniform on. I sighed and tried to look happy.

"Are you excited for today. Your dads coming home," She gave me a confused look and sat down at the table.

"Um dads not coming home today," I nodded my head and poked her cheek, a little hard.

"Trust me, mom has her ways," I winked at her while she rolled her eyes and rubbed her cheek.

"Mom does dad really love you," I widened my eyes and put my hand on her shoulder, gripping it tightly.

"No, he loves someone else," she looked down at the ground and sighed.

"Who," I gripped her shoulder tighter making her flinch, but she still didn't move.

"Uzumaki Naruto, a boy he went to high school with," she jumped up from her chair and embraced me in a hug.

"Mom please don't cry," I widened my eyes and touched my cheek. She was right, I was crying. 

"Please get off. I don't need your pity too. Go to school," I pushed her off of me and out the door.

"Mom wai-' I slammed the door in her face. It's official, I'm a terrible mother. I slid down the door and sat in my own self pity and hatred.

"Uzumaki Naruto."

*time skip*

Sasuke's Pov

"Are you ready Sarada," she looked up at me and nodded her head. I smiled and opened our front door reveling Sakura against the wall with an empty bottle of liquor.

"M-mom!" Sarada ran over to Sakura only to be pushed to the ground.

"Geat awahy frohm mea," her words were slurred and it was clear she was drunk. I ran over to Sarada and pulled her away from Sakura. Once I got her out of the way, I held Sakura's arms down and you could strongly smell the alcohol on her breathe.

"Sakura I want a divorce," she fought for me to let go and she was sadly winning. She's always been stronger than me.

"Mom stop!," Sarada watched with tears in her eyes as Sakura jumped on top of me and hit me over the head with the liquor bottle. I felt a warm liquid fall down my face as I watched Sakura destroy our house.

"YOU WANT A DIVORCE, FINE," she punched a whole in the wall and smashed the tv with her hands. I watched motionlessly on the floor as Sarada tried to stop her.

"S-Sarada no." Sakura turned around and grabbed her my the shoulder.

"YOU WANT A DIVORCE I'LL TAKE YOUR KID TOO." She pushed Sarada out the door and glared at me.

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