Chapter 15

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Naruto's Pov

"Teme, why do I have a blindfold and a tux," I pouted slightly as I was guided around carefully.

"It's a surprise," I groaned and mentally face palmed.

"No shit Sherlock," I felt my ass be slapped and heard a growl come from the impatient raven behind me.

"Your the one who asked dobe. Just shut up and wait for us to get there.." I crossed my arms and stuck my tongue out, although he didn't see it because he was behind me.
"Ok we're here take off your blindfold," I jumped in excitement and threw my blindfold to the ground.

"Finall-," my cerulean eyes widened as I took in the scenery. I stepped onto the terrace and looked around. The stars and full moon lit up the sky along with the candles that where literally everywhere. I looked at the vine covered wall that had wild flowered growing among them. I looked back to the table and an expensive bottle of wine say in a bucket of ice.

"Sasuke a candle lit dinner in Paris,"   I turned back to face Sasuke and ran into his arms hugging him tightly.

"Well we're not in Paris, but this is the closest thing to it. I did a lot of research on this 5 star restaurant and found out they have the best ramen you've ever tasted," I kissed his cheek and ran to my chair excitedly.

"Even better thank you so much Sasuke! Wait.....wasn't this expensive," my excitement faded as I realized Sasuke must have spent a fortune on this date. I looked up at him and his dark onyx eyes softened. 

He walked over to me and placed a hand on my cheek. I frowned and placed my hand on top of his.

"Yes but this is a special date," he winked at me and walked over to his seat as a waiter came to take our order.

I looked over my menu and stared at the expensive prices. I whimpered lightly and Sasuke glared at me over his menu. I shook my head and was about to say I wasn't hungry, but Sasuke jerked the menu out of my hand and handed it to the waiter.

"We'll have your finest quality of ramen," the waiter nodded and bowed taking his order and leaving us in silence.

"Y-you didn't have to do that, ya know." Sasuke shook his head and smiled at me.

"I didn't do that for you. I  actually wanted to try their world famous ramen," I crossed my arms and huffed when I saw Sasuke smirk.  The waiter came back onto the terrace with two hot bowls of delicious, steamy, mouthwatering, ramen. I shut everything else out and hungrily eyed the ramen, the love of my life.

"Dobe!" I blinked a couple of times as I came back to reality and blushed in embarrassment.

"S-Sorry," Sasuke chuckled and happily smiled at me. A smile I've never seen before. My heart fluttered and I looked down at the steaming bowl of soup for a distraction.

"It's alright but let's eat I have something important to ask you after," he wiped a tear from his eye and picked up his spoon as I also started eating.
"I'm just sad okay!"

"Naruto you idiot that's not ok,"

"I can't help it teme!" Sasuke annoyingly rolled his eyes in frustration and crossed his arms.

"I don't want to say goodbye to that ramen. I loved it with all my heart, and I devoured it in under a minute," I fake cried as Sasuke shook his head in disappointment.

"Well I guess instead of me proposing to you I can just give you the ring so you can give it to your dead ramen." I nodded my head in agreement without even registering what Sasuke had just said.


"W-wait...what- what did you say."  Sasuke smiled and got up from his chair to kneel down on one knee in front of me.

"Sasuke..." I watched silently as I watched him pull a small black box out of his tux pocket. 

"Naruto Uzumaki, I love you with all my heart and I promise to cherish you for as long as I live. I can't put how much you mean to me in words Naruto. I just love you so so so much. Will you marry me?" I put my hand over my mouth and happily cried as I just nodded my head because I didn't trust my mouth to speak.

I jumped into Sasuke's arms and kissed him passionately. Sasuke smiled brightly and slipped the ring onto my finger.

"I love you so much Naruto." I buried my face in his neck and cried silently on his shoulder.

"I love you too, Sasuke"

Not edited

So would you guys still read this if I was to make it m-preg, or should they adopt.

Comment/Vote and thx for reading!!

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