Chapter 18

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*time skip 1 year later*

"Nari, Natsuki! You have to take a bath," Sasuke and I chased after our two naked twin girls trying our hardest to get them in the tub. They're a real handful, that's for sure.

Now you may be wondering how this could have happened, even I questioned it, but I'm the girls' biological mother and Sasuke is the father.

Some kind of medical miracle you could say. I'm a guy, but I was still able to have children because apparently I'm not 'normal'. By that I mean, I have both female and male organs. No I don't have a vagina, but I have the baby making organs. Like the ovaries and all that good stuff.

I don't know how it happened it just did, but hey Sasuke and I couldn't me happier.

We've been married for 5 years now. Boruto and Sarada are in a happy relationship. We were skeptical at first, but decided it was alright considering they weren't actually related.

As for Nari and Natsuki, well they're partners in crime. Best friends and inseparable since day one. They're 5 now and keep Sasuke and I on our toes.

"Naruto Nari is coming your way grab her," I turned towards the little trouble maker and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Gotcha," she laughed and tried to worm her way out of my arms.

"Nope. It's time for your bath little lady." She frowned and crossed her arms.

"fine," I tapped her forehead and made her smile once more.

Once we were in the bathroom, we saw that Sasuke already had Natsuki in the tub. She was splashing water everywhere and Sasuke was soaking wet.

"It seems you guys are having fun," Sasuke turned towards me and glared.

"Yep so much fun I'm actually dripping with excitement," I chuckled at his response and carefully placed Nari in the tub.

"Momma is the only one not wet. Let's get him," Nari and Natsuki pulled my hand and I tumbled into the water. They were pretty strong for 5 year olds.

"Wow dobe look whose wet now," I say up in the tub and took off my shirt, wringing it out.

"Haha very funny teme," I ran my fingers through my hair and playfully looked up at Sasuke.

"Can ya help me out now," Sasuke rolled his eyes and held out his hand, which was a bad mistake.

I pulled his hand and he fell into the water making is spew out the tub. He grunted and gasped for hair.

"Look daddy is joining us too," Natsuki and Nari laughed out. Sasuke looked down at them and smiled, which made me smile.

I have a beautiful family.


Sorry I haven't updated in like months, but this is the last chapter because I really wanted to end the story. I hope you guys liked it. I'm currently writing a new fanfiction called Silent. It's also sasunaru shocker right. I would also like to thank everyone for reading my fanfictions. It's amazing I never thought I'd get that many reads so thank you guys so much!

Comment/Vote and thx for reading!

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