Chapter 5

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Boruto's Pov

That night I couldn't sleep at all. How dare she make me keep this from my dad, but was it really for the best, or is she trying to keep lying? I laid in my king sized bed and fumbled around inside the soft, warm blankets, trying to fall asleep.

That's when I heard little giggles from Himawari and soft whispers from mom. I rolled my eyes and threw the blankets over my head. She is the last person I want to see before going to sleep.

Naruto's Pov

The cool night air drifted in through my office window and cooled my overworked muscles. I put my ink pen down and pushed away from my desk, so I could stretched. That's when I felt my stomach growl. I patted my stomach and walked down the hall to the kitchen.

I flicked on the kitchen lights and saw Hinata fixing bottles of milk for Himawari. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist while kissing Himawari on her head.

"Did she wake up," Hinata jumped and turned around to me and smiled.

"Um yeah, I just.." I looked around the counter and saw she had car keys in her hand as well as the milk bottle.

"Where are you going," she flinched and tightened her grip on the keys.

"I was going to the store," I shook my head and released her.

"Hinata you went to the store yesterday and besides, who goes to the store at 1 in the morning. Hinata why are you lying to me," tears started streaming down her face and Himawari woke up from her sleep.

"I'm not lying ok!," I jumped back at her sudden outburst and frowned.

"Then what are you going to get Hinata?" She widened her eyes and slammed her hand down on the counter.

"Diapers," I rolled my eyes and grabbed her arm so she would face me.

"Hinata you bought diapers yesterday," I stayed as calm as I could but Hinata wasn't making it easy. She jerked out of my grip and patted Himawari's head.

"She used them all," I felt anger grow inside me because I knew she was lying to me. She started to walk off, but I slammed my hand down on the island counter.

"Bullshit and you know it," Hinata looked back at me and shook her head, while walking out the door to go to the 'store'.

I ran my hands frustratedly through my blonde messy hair as I was no longer hungry. I heard footsteps and turned around to see Boruto. He had sadness and hatred in his eyes. I hated to see him like that.

"Dad was that mom just now," I lowered my head and nodded, while Boruto shook his head and walked back upstairs to his room. Does he know something I don't?

Sasuke's Pov

After I got back to the hotel, I called Sakura to see how Sarada was holding up.

"Hey Sakura, how'd Sarada doing?"

"Hi Sasuke-Kun! How are you? Is everything alright there? How was the meet-'

"Sakura, I just asked how Sarada was doing."

"Oh Sarada she's at school right now. Our time zones are different you know." I rolled my eyes and tapped my finger on the hotel desk.

"Alright well bye tell Sarada I love her," I started to hang up but got interrupted.

"Wait Sasuke... Um I have a question. Do um you really love me, or do you still have feelings for Naruto." I frowned and felt a little ting of guilt rising in my chest.

"To be honest, I do still have feelings for Naruto. I only married you because I had to," I heard her crying on the other end of the phone and I gulped.

"Sorry, Sakura."


Sorry this ones short,but I have writers block rn and it sucks. Plus I'm really stressed rn, and I have too much stuff going on, for I am going to start summer practices next month. Yep, every day for four hours. Kill me. Anyways comment/follow/vote and thx for reading. Ily!

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