Chapter 2

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Sasuke's Pov

I woke up to the sound of complete silence and darkness, just the way I like it. Sakura had her own bedroom and I had mine. We had completely different lives. She maintained the house and took care of Sarada. I went to work and bonded with Sarada.

I tried to stay away from her as much as possible without making anything seem suspicious to Sarada. The last thing I want for her is to have a bad childhood like I did.

I snapped out of my thoughts when my cellphone starting ringing. I sighed and rolled out of my warm comfortable bed. I sat up and grabbed my phone from my nightstand, answering the call from work.

"Oh Mr.Uchiha, I know today is your day off, but the company needs you to go to America for a meeting," my eyes widened and my grip tightened on my phone.

"I need to spend time with my daughter today," I made sure the lady on the phone could tell I was angry. She gulped and I smirked. Today I get my way.

"Mr.Uchiha, you better get off your lazy ass and actually do some work for once. We aren't your slaves, you can't expect us to do everything for you. Time to grow up Mr.Uchiha," the phone call ended and my mouth was at the floor. I have never had anyone speak to me that way since..Naruto was in my life.

I smiled and decided to let the receptionist off the hook, since I was kind of in a good mood. I sighed and grabbed a suitcase out of my closet. I packed a weeks worth of clothes and the essentials. I put on a white button up shirt with a red tie and black dress pants. It kind of looked like a school uniform, only because suits weren't my style.

I grabbed my suit case and opened my bedroom door and there stood my little Sarada, along with that evil bitch Sakura. I rolled my eyes at her and patted Sarada's on the head.

"Good morning sweet heart how are you this morning," I bent down and poked the middle of her forehead, and she pouted.

"Dad I'm too old for that now. I'm almost 13," I smiled and sighed. Ah yes, she is getting older isn't she. I chuckled and glared at Sakura, while Sarada cleared her throat.

"So dad where are you going with that big suitcase," Sakura looked down at the floor and frowned. I rolled my onyx eyes and smiled at Sarada.

"Well actually sweetheart, I have to go on a business trip to America, so can we reschedule our bonding time for next weekend," Sarada smiled and nodded her head softly, while Sakura puckered her god forsaken lips at me.

I looked down at Sarada and noticed she was waiting for me to kiss her. I sighed and held down my barf, giving Sakura a peck on her wide ass forehead.

"Alright ladies see you in a week," I waved goodbye and headed out the door of my big mansion.

Once I got to the backyard of my mansion, I jumped onto my private jet and put my luggage away, sitting down in a big white comfy seat. I poured myself a glass of whine as the jet ascended from the ground and up into the blue sky above.

The sky and the sun was a painful reminder of Naruto. His sky blues eyes could get him any man or women he desired, and his bright personality attracted people from miles away just so they could be friends with him. I smiled and pulled the lever on the side of my seat, so I could lay back and take a nap.

After the flight, I booked myself a hotel and put my luggage away in the closet. I walked back into the big hotel room and threw myself across the bed. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Well I guess it's time to go to work. I sighed and grabbed my phone from my phone from my back pocket. Dialing the number the receptionist gave me.

"Hello this is Linda speaking how may I help you," I sighed and took out the paperwork from my briefcase.

"Um yes this is Uchiha Sasuke and I just wanted to know what time you wanted me to come in," I could hear typing in the background and the sound of a pen going in the background.

"Now would be good," I internally groaned and put my papers back in my briefcase.

"Alright I'll see you in a couple of minutes," the phone hung up and I grabbed my briefcase, phone, and wallet and walked out of the hotel room.

After that, I hailed a cab and it took me straight to my destination. I payed the cab fees and stepped out of the car. My mouth dropped open at the sight in front of me. I looked over the tall building and read the sign above.

'Uzumaki Corp.' I felt tears stinging the corners of my eyes. So this is where you've been this whole time, Naruto.


I'm so sorry if this is terrible I'm writing at like 3 in the morning and I'm tired.  So sorry this one is short. Comment/Vote and thx for reading!!


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