Chapter 6

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Naruto's Pov

After Hinata left, I couldn't help but feel I did something wrong. I don't understand what I did to make her mad at me, but being alone like this, it isn't good for me.

I start thinking of my parents, my old life, and living in America makes it worse. Maybe I should go see their graves today, but I don't want to go alone and I don't think Hinata will go with me.

Would Sasuke like to come with me? Maybe I should call and ask. What if he says no? He did say that he still...loves me, but we didn't exchange contact information.

"I know, I can just get it out of  the work records. I walked through the empty halls to my office and opened the door. The cool night air nipped at my nose and neck, turning them a light shade of red. I shivered and walked over to the window, so I could close it.

I then eyed the computer on my desk and took a deep breath. I sat in my computer chair and cracked my knuckles.

"Ok time to find that number,"  I opened my laptop and typed in my password, so I can get on my company's files. After I opened the files, I went up to the search bar and typed in Uchiha Sasuke.

His information popped up and I grabbed my phone, while adding his number to my contacts. I closed my laptop and sighed, looking at the dial button on my phone. I shook my head and pressed it.  It started ringing and I shook, feeling uneasy.

"Sasuke still hasn't answered. I'll call him back later," I started to hang up, but I heard a tired voice on the other line.

S-"H-Helllo?"  I felt my face heat up at his sexy tired voice, which told me he was sleeping.

N-"I um, I-" I stuttered nervously.

S-"Dobe? Is that you?"

N-"Y-yeah it's me. You stupid teme." He chuckled, while my face and ears turned a bright red.

S-"What did you need?" I heard the bed  rustle in the back ground, so I figured he sat up so he could talk better.

N-"I wondered if I c-could come over t-to see you," I closed my eyes shut and prepared myself for the agonizing pain of rejection.

S-"Sure dobe, but you do know it's like 1 in the morning." I opened my eyes and looked at the time on my phone.

N-"Eh, I'm sorry I probably woke you up." I sighed and lowered my head.

S-"No, I couldn't sleep anyways. I'm having trouble getting use to the time zone." I smiled and felt a wave of relief wash over me.

N-" So um what hotel are you staying at."

S-"um I don't really know I forgot, but it's the one closest to your company. I'm on the second floor and the first room on the right."

N-"Alright I'll see you in a few minutes." I was about to hang up but Sasuke asked me something else.

"Before you go how did you get my contact information dobe?" I gulped and started to panic.

"I um, I, I got to go. Bye Sasuke!"

"Hey dobe answer my-'  I ended the call and sighed.

"That was a close one," I leaned back in my chair when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and slowly opened the door to see Boruto looking curiously at me.

"So who was that dad," Sweat dripped down the side of my face, while I scratched the back of my head modestly.

"It was an old friend of mine," Boruto pointed his finger and narrowed his eyes.

"Then why are you nervous and stuttering. Plus, your going to see this person at one in the morning." I grabbed his finger and put his hand down.

"I'm going to go see this guy I'm working with." Boruto made an O with his mouth and smiled.

"You can leave the house to me dad and besides I'm old enough to stay home by myself." I put my hand underneath my chin and thought about it.

"Well I suppose so but no parties." He nodded his head and smiled while pushing me out the front door.

"Have fun dad." We fist bumped and I got in my car and drove to the hotel.

After I got there, I started to feel self conscious, so I looked down at my attire. I was wearing an orange and black jacket with a white shirt and black skinny jeans with converse.

This does look ok right? I mean, why does it matter. It's not like I'm still in love with Sasuke, right? I shook my head and walked through the entrance and up to Sasuke's floor.  

I eyed the door and contemplated on if I should actually knock. I felt nervousness take over and I fell forward making my body hit the wall. I cringed and hoped Sasuke didn't hear that. I stood back up and dusted my self off. I can't do this. I'm going home.

I started to leave when something grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hotel room. I gasped lightly when I was thrown against the wall.

"Hn, you think you can just hang up on me. I don't think so dobe." I slowly opened my cerulean eyes and was faced with mysterious onyx one. The eyes that made me lose myself.

"Umm, hi Sasuke. It's nice to see you again." I nervously smiled and tried to escape his arm prison against the wall, but he just moved his body closer to mine.

"Naruto what's the real reason you wanted to come see me," I lowered my head and bit my lip.

"I-I didn't want to be alone." It came out as a light whisper that was barely heard.

"What about Hinata." I shook my head and tried to keep the tears from escaping.

"She left with Himawari this morning. I don't understand what I did to make her angry." I fiddled with my thumbs and bit the inside of my jaw, so I wouldn't cry. 

"I'm sorry Naruto," Sasuke grabbed my jaw and lightly kissed my lips. I widened my eyes and a tear fell down my cheek.  Sasuke pulled back and laid his head on my shoulder.

"I still love you Naruto," I felt my chest tighten and I put my hand up to stroke his pitch black hair.

"I-I don't know how I feel Sasuke. I'm sorry." He lifted up his head and picked me up in a bridal style, while carrying me over to the bed.

Once he laid me down, he hovered over me and kissed me roughly, which I returned the kiss. I felt him smirk on my lips and he moved down to my neck, lightly nibbling on it.

"S-Sasuke," I lightly moaned and intertwined my fingers in his hair. He moved down to my collar bone and licked a sensitive spot on my neck making me moan out in pleasure. He lightly sucked this part of my collar bone and made a purplish bruise.

"Sasuke!" He smirked and kissed my lips. Then it hit me, Hinata.

Yup. Comment/Vote and thx for reading! Ilysm!

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