Chapter 13

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Sasuke's Pov

After we all go to know each other in the living room, I picked up Naruto and walked into the kitchen. Sarada sat on the countertop and Naruto sat on the barstools with Boruto.

"So considering the circumstances, I suppose you guys haven't eaten a proper meal in days." Naruto looked over at Boruto and scratched the back of fluffy golden hair.

"Gomen Boruto," Boruto smiled lightly at his dad and patted his back softly.

"It's alright, I had ramen anyways," they both started laughing, but Sarada and I just rolled our eyes. I got out a few pans and put them on the stove.

"Alright come help me Sarada. Your mother must have thought you something about cooking in the kitchen," she groaned and hopped off the counter.

"Step aside dad," I narrowed my eyes and stepped away from the stove. Sarada smirked while walking to the fridge to grab multiple things. It was unbelievable how fast she could work in the kitchen.

After she was done cooking, she grabbed plates from the overhead cabinet and placed the meal delicately in front of us.

"Wow Sarada, you look like a professional, and the food looks sooo good," Boruto said while eying the food. He was right though, she did look like a professional. I looked over at Naruto and saw him smiling at Sarada.

"Thank you," he bowed his head and Sarada blushed waving his gesture off.

"It's the least I could do Mr.Uzumaki. After all, my dad here is in lov-," I covered her mouth and dragged her out of the kitchen.

"How did you know," her facial expression dropped and she rolled her eyes.

"Well it's not like you make it obvious or anything," I thumped her head with my fingers and she winced.

"Yeah, yeah, what ever," she rolled her eyes and pushed me back into the kitchen, while grabbing Boruto by the back of his shirt, and pulling him into the living room.

"But I wasn't finished yet." Sarada whacked him over the head and continued to drag him to the living room.

After they left, I took a seat beside Naruto, and he looked down at his lap blushing. I smiled at his cuteness and cleared my throat.

"So what exactly happened with Hinata." He jumped at the sound of her name then clenched his fists in his lap. I placed my hand on his shoulder and frowned.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," he shook his head and placed his hand on mine, telling me not to move it from his shoulder.

"She cheated on me with Kiba," my eyes widened and I looked at him with a confused expression.

"But he lives in Japan," he shook his head and handed me a note from his hand.

"I found it this morning on the counter. I didn't want you to worry, so I kept it a secret." I looked down at the crumbled up note in his and and he nodded his head. I slowly grabbed it and straightened it out so I could read it.

Dear Naruto,
Since you already know about Himawari not being yours and me cheating, I might as well tell you about my first child. Remember back to our high school days, the day I saved you from rejection. I was pregnant back then with Kiba's child.

After we started dating, I fell in love with you, and grew scared of telling you the truth. That's why I left on "vacation" for two months. I had the child and let my parents take care of him. Then came back to you.

Eventually we got married and I couldn't have been happier. We had a kid and he's beautiful. Why wouldn't he be if he looks like you, but then he came back into my life.

Kiba was persistent and wouldn't give up. You were working day in and day out, not giving me the attention I needed, so I slept with him. I intended for it to be a one time thing, but I ended up pregnant again. I came home and told you I was pregnant with your child.

After that, Kiba spoiled me and gave me the love I desired. I fell in love with him again. I love you too, but I fear you still have Sasuke on your mind and won't forgive me for my actions. I wouldn't expect you to.

Please tell Boruto I'm sorry and I love him as well as you. I love you dearly, but it seems it's not going to work out. Sasuke is the one that will save you from rejection this time.
Hinata H.

I looked over at Naruto with saddened eyes and he had tears running down his whiskered cheeks. I grabbed his wrist and he winced.

"Don't cry for her please. It hurts," he looked down at his lap and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"I broke the promise. The one I made to you back in high school. I-I'm sorry Sasuke." I felt my heart start to hurt and I looked down at his arm. He nodded his head and I rolled up his sleeve.

"N-Naruto why-," I shook my head and pulled him into a hug.

"It doesn't matter just please don't do it again. I'm here now," he nodded his head in my shoulder and hugged me tighter.

"How are you here anyways," he muffled into my shoulder. I ran my fingers through his soft, fluffy, hair and kissed the top of his head.

"Well I didn't love Sakura, so I divorced her. I love you and only you. Please be mine again," he softly cried on my shoulder and shook his head.

"I-I'm not ready for another relationship. Plus what would Sarada and Boruto think," Sarada came marching down the hall and threw Boruto on the floor.

"We approve right Boruto," Sarada glared at him and he turned back to us vigorously nodding his head. I looked over at Naruto and he smiled at our kids.

"Wait for me will you," I nodded my head and kissed his wrist.

"For you I'll wait forever," he jerked his hand out of my grip and punched me in the arm.

"Corny bastard," he mumbled while smiling. I rubbed my arm and put my arm around his shoulder.

"You know it dobe."



Sorry for not updating in so long.. I've been busy with practice and other things. Comment/Vote and thx for reading!!!

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