Chapter 17

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*warning terrible yaoi ahead*

Naruto's Pov

After the wedding, Sasuke and I bought a hotel room and let the kids stay with Itachi for a night. He opened the door with our room key and quickly shut the door behind him, throwing me against the wall.

Sasuke hungrily kissed my lips and bit my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I gladly gave it to him.
His tongue entered my mouth and explored every inch of it. Our tongues battled for dominance, but Sasuke's taste was far too sweet for me to win.

"," I moaned out when his knee brushed against my hard. He devilishly smirked and threw me on the bed, stripping me of my clothes.

"Beautiful..." Sasuke huskily whispered above me, slightly panting. He kissed a sensitive spot on my neck, and smirked with utter delight when he heard a soft gasp in return. He leaned in again and whispered once more, "You're so beautiful..."

I watched on with a pout, and Sasuke whispered delicately in my ear, making me whimper under his control. He climbed onto of me, his tongue darting out to leave wet trails down my chest and stomach, which earned him a moan from my throat and a twitch of my cock, which Sasuke was now even with. He ran his tongue over my length, from base to tip, and then took me into his mouth. I closed my eyes and thrusted my head backwards, in pleasure.

"Nngh..Sasuke," I slightly opened my eyes and watched as Sasuke took me deep into his mouth.

"Sasuke I'm going to-," before I even got to finish my sentence, I came in his mouth and he gulped down every drop. My face was blazing red as I tried to apologize.

"Sorry that was dirty. I'm disgust-," Sasuke put his lips on mine and let me taste myself, which wasn't very good. It was salty and bitter. Something I wouldn't ever want to taste willingly.

"Nothing about you is disgusting. I think it tastes sweet," Sasuke huskily whispered in my ear before attacking my neck in sweet kisses.

"Sasuke you too. Take off your clothes," he smirked down at me and listened to my commands. He very slowly took off his shirt, my eyes darting to his v line and all the way up.

"Sasuke faster." Sasukes face turned a bright shade of red and he quickly threw off the rest of his clothes.

"Stupid dobe.." I stuck out my tongue which he attacked with his  mouth. He worked his way down to my hole and smirked up at me, while getting up to his suit case.

"Sasuke what are you..," he took out a bottle of lube and condoms. I blushed and turned my head slightly.

"We'll need the essentials," he hopped back onto the bed and covered his fingers with lube. He then placed one finger into my hole,softly moving it in and out. It didn't really hurt or feel good at the moment but it did feel uncomfortable.

"Sasuke...," he looked down at me with sympathy and placed two fingers in slowly. I streaks of pain go up my back.

"It..hurts," he leaned down and softly kissed my cheek.

"It'll feel better soon, I promise," I softly nodded my head and threw my head back in pleasure when Sasuke touched a certain spot inside me.

"Found it," he whispered softly in my ear, while thrusting his fingers faster inside me.

"Ah! Sasuke," he then pulled his fingers out and I whimpered feeling the lose of his fingers.

I looked over threw my blonde hair and saw Sasuke opening a condom. I lightly say up and took the foil packet out of his hands.

"We don't need this," I threw the packet across the room and he looked down at me with a look of concern.

"Are you sure," I nodded my head and pulled his face down so he could kiss me.

He steadied himself at me entrance and pushed in slowly. Tears of pain brimmed the edges of my eyes.

"I'm in. You did good baby." I nodded my head and gripped the bed sheets hoping it would ease the pain.

"Please move," Sasuke smiled at me and kisses my forehead. He pulled out slowly and pushed back in.

"Naruto tell me if I need to stop," I nodded my head and he went a little faster this time. My pain had completely disappeared and was replaced with pleasure.

"Sasuke faster.." I moaned out softly while he complied with my wishes and went faster. He hit that one spot again and made me a moaning mess.

"Ah! Please harder," he groaned and pushed inside me harder. I had my mouth open trying to get more air to my lungs, but it didn't really work.

"Sasuke I'm going to-," he grabbed my hard on and quickly stroked it sending me over the edge.

"Ah! Sasuke you too.Inside please." He came inside me and rode me out of my high.

We both collapsed in each other's arms and I felt sleep fall upon me. We didn't use a condom. What's the worse that could happen.


Sorry for not updating in a while and this chapter is really bad. I was rushing to get it done. My first time writing smut. I could have done better tho

Comment/Vote and Thx for reading!!

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