Chapter 12

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Sasuke's Pov

After we got off the plane, I grabbed my luggage and grabbed Sarada's hand running towards Naruto's house. We ran out into the street and the blazing summer sun beat down on us as our shoes tapped harshly against the hot concrete.

"D-dad slow down. I'm sweating," Sarada said panting, but I keep running. Naruto's house was in my sight and I wasn't going to slow down.

Once I got there, I ran to his front door and beat on it rapidly. Sarada bent over and grabbed her knees while trying to catch her breathe. I felt sweat drop down my forehead as I waited for someone to answer the door.

I then heard hurried footsteps and the door flung open. He grabbed my hand and froze.

"SASU-" he looked up at me and then over to Sarada. I felt my eye twitch as I noticed him checking her out. I was about to hit him over the head when Sarada stepped on his toe.

"Stop staring baka," she grabbed him by his shirt collar and pointed a finger in his face. I gulped and smiled lightly.

"Now sweet heart, put him down." She glared at him and he gulped in fear while sweat rolled down his forehead.

"Hn," she dropped him and crossed her arms. I sighed and looked at Boruto with worry in my cold, dark, onyx eyes.

"Where is he," Boruto frowned and pointed towards his office. I nodded and kneeled down to Sarada.

"Stay here with Boruto for a second. Try not to kill him," she rolled her eyes and tsk'ed. That girl was a true Uchiha.

I walked inside and slowly made my way over to Naruto's office. As I approached the door, I heard soft whimpers. I frowned and knocked on the door softy.

"Dobe, it's me," I waited for a reply but didn't get an answer, just soft whimpers. I sighed and bent down to the lock, taking out a debit card from my back pocket.

I slid the card in between the door and the lock and heard a clicking sound. I smirked and turned the knob reveling Naruto asleep on the floor. I frowned and walked up to him. He had tear stains on his face and was holding his wedding picture.

"You really did love her didn't you dobe," I sat on the floor next to him and put his head in my lap, leaning down to kiss his forehead, but froze inches away from his face. My eyes started watering and I backed away from him, holding my nose.

"NARUTO WAKE UP DOBE. HOW CAN I KISS YOU IF YOU SMELL LIKE A DEAD SKUNK!" Naruto jumped and bumped his head into mine.

"Dobe," I growled out while rubbing the knot on my forehead. Naruto rubbed his head and looked at me in surprise. He got closer to my face and poked my cheek.

"This isn't a dream your really here," I flinched and pushed Naruto away from my face.

"Not so close it smells like something died inside of you," he frowned and looked down at the wedding picture in his hand.

"Something did," I sighed and picked him up in a bridal style. He squealed and wrapped his arms tightly around my neck.

"W-where are we going," I turned my head away from his face and sighed.

"To get you some soap and toothpaste," he lightly chuckled and put his face in my neck.

"Dad!" Naruto turned out of my neck and looked at Boruto with guilt in his mesmerizing cerulean blue eyes.

"Sorry Boruto I-... Whose that," Naruto pointed to Sarada who was in his fridge rummaging for food. I smiled at Naruto's cute shocked face, but turned to Sarada and glared.

"Sarada manners!" She pulled out of the fridge with a tomato in her mouth. Looking at the position me and Naruto were in.

He had his arms wrapped around my neck, and I had my hands underneath his legs, holding him up. She stared at us boringly before turning back to her tomato.

"Hai..," I rolled my eyes and looked down at Naruto who was still a little surprised at the stranger in his kitchen.

"Your daughter...I mean I'm guessing since..the tomato..," I smiled and nodded my head.

"My sarcastic little angel," Naruto smiled, but it wasn't a real smile, it was fake.

After Naruto's well needed bath, he sat down in the living room with Boruto and Sarada. I took a seat next to him and laid my head on his shoulder, but he just looked saddened by the act.

"So what hotel did you guys get," Naruto looked at me then to Sarada and fake smiled once again. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Shit," Naruto poked my cheek and frowned.

"Careful Mr.Uchiha you might mess up your duck butt," I felt my eye twitch and I glared at him.

"Better than those blonde spikes you have and...I forgot to book a hotel because I was worried about you," I said mumbling the last part that only Naruto heard. His face turned a light shade of pink and he clapped his hands together.

"Alrighty then you can stay with us ya know," he faked a smile, which made me angry, so I grabbed his ear and pulled it down to my mouth.

"Dobe I promise I'll make you smile for real someday, " Naruto smacked my hand away from his ear, but I could tell he liked it because his whole face was red. Sarada and Baruto awkwardly looked at us and then to each other, Boruto blushing under the gaze of the Uchiha.

"What did you tell him," both children asked us in perfect sync. Naruto gulped and waved his hands in front of his face like an embarrassed school girl.

"N-nothing!" I smiled at Naruto and laid my chin on his shoulder, so I could whisper to him.

"Hey dobe, I'll be the one to make you love again."

Won't be updating for a while due to summer practices. Comment/Vote and thx for reading!!! Ilysm!

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