Chapter 14

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*time skip-3 months later*

Sasuke's Pov

"Naruto go on a date with me," I said as I threw a piece of popcorn up in the air and caught it with my mouth. Naruto laid back on the couch and flipped through the channels with a bored face.

We were sitting in the living room watching tv, and eating salty, buttered, popcorn. I laid my head in Naruto's lap and had the bowl of popcorn laying on mine. Naruto occasionally ran his fingers threw my soft, black hair making me smile.

"This is our 10th date this week teme," he sat the remote down on the dark wood coffee table in front of him and took some popcorn from the bowl.

"And beside whose going to watch Sarada and Boruto," I sat up and placed the big bowl of popcorn on the small table in front of us and pulled Naruto onto my lap. He squeaked in surprise and his whiskered cheeks turned a dark shade of red.

"They can watch themselves. They're teenagers after all," I leaned in and kissed Naruto on the lips and stuck my hands under his shirt, rubbing his nipple playfully.

"Ah-Sasuke..Stop it," I kissed his cheek and moved down to his neck lightly sucking on his sweet skin.

"Then go on a date with me. We are a couple again, right," I licked his sensitive spot and he moaned lightly in pleasure.

"O-Okay, ah.., f-fine," I smirked against his skin and placed a hickey on his collarbone. He moaned and wrapped his arms tightly around my neck.

"Mmm stupid teme, my skin is all bruised," he pushed me away from him lightly and crossed his arms while pouting. Sexy...

I moved up to his ear and bit down softly.

"You better watch your actions dobe. I'll want to eat you all up." I whispered as I watched Naruto become flustered. He punched me on the arm and put his finger up to his lips.

"Shut up teme, the kids might hear you," I rolled my eyes and picked him up in my arms, as I stood up, walking to our bedroom.

"Your the one moaning dobe not me," he blushed and placed his head in my neck.

"I told you to shut up," he mumbled into my neck sending comfortable vibrations through my body. I smiled and kissed his head.

"Yeah, yeah. Your still going on a date with me though." He smiled against my neck and nodded his head softly.

"Mmkay," I smiled as I closed our bedroom door, so we could get dressed for our date.

I have big things in mind...


Sorry for the short chapter...

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