Chapter 9

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Sasuke's Pov

After I went back to Japan, the first thing I did was pick my baby up from school. I waited outside the gates and saw her walking towards me, while looking down and reading a book. Boys tried to talk to her, but she simply ignored them and kept reading.

"That's my girl," her eyes popped up from behind the book and she pushed up her red glasses. I smiled and she ran to me, giving me a hug.

"Dad how did it go," I faked a smile and poked her forehead. She pouted and moved my finger.

"It went well," she nodded and took hold of my hand. She started walking towards our home and looked down at the ground. I frowned and she tightened her grip on my hand.

"Dad, do you really love mom," she looked up at me and had a serious expression on her face. I gulped and faked a smile.

"Of course I love you m-," she jerked her hand out of mine and ran in front of me.

"Don't lie to me dad you don't love her!" I stared at my daughter with my onyx eyes widened and she look up at me with rage.

"I don't," I looked down with guilt on my face and she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Then why," I looked up at her and smiled.

"I wanted you to be happy," her facial expression changed into a surprised one, and I knelt down, so I could talk to her face to face. 

"But dad I want you and mom to be happy. It has nothing to do with me," she frowned and I poked her forehead.

"Your mom and I are happy if your happy," she shook her head and looked at me with determination in her eyes.

"No I want you two to get a divorce," my eyes widened and my heart dropped. This is what I caused. I gulped and lowered my eyes.

"Are, are you sure you want this," she smiled with tears in her eyes and nodded her head. I smiled lightly and took her hand.

"As long as your happy."

I'm so sorry. I can't think of anything I'm sorry. I'm trying so hard and it's short too. I'm a terrible senpai. Comment/Vote and thx for reading...

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