Chapter 4

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Naruto's Pov

"What was Sasuke thinking saying something like that aloud, jeez." I felt my face become overwhelmed with heat and shame.

What would Hinata say if she found out Sasuke kissed me on my cheek. I mean sure it wasn't on the lips, but it was still a..

"K-Kiss," I stopped walking and touched the spot where Sasuke had placed his lips. It was soft and warm. I shook my head and decided to hail a cab.

"Can you take me to the middle school please," the driver nodded his head and took me to my destination.

After I got to the middle school, I saw that Boruto was waiting by the school gates. I smiled and opened the cab door.

"Boruto come on," he looked over in the direction of my voice and smiled. He ran over to me and held out his fist. I smirked, and I fist bumped his fist.

He jumped into the cab and I told the driver to take us home. Boruto looked over at me and poked my arm. I looked down at him and smiled.

"So no mom today," my eyes softened and I pulled him into a hug.

"I'm afraid not she went to the store with Himawari." He nodded his head and backed out of the hug. I frowned and poked his whiskered cheek.

"Don't worry Boruto your mom will spend time with you soon," he smiled and nodded his head as we pulled up into our driveway. I payed cab fees and jumped out of the car.

"You know Boruto, I think it's about time you start walking home by yourself," his face lit up and he jumped around doing some kind of victory dance.

"Thanks dad, I asked mom but she said I was still too young," I gulped and bit my lip. So Hinata already said no and I went against her words of advice just now. I shook my head and held out my fist.

"Today's the day that I will stand up to my wife," Boruto looked back at me with an 'are you for real' expression on his face.  I took a deep breath and sighed.

"Alright Baruto how about ramen for dinner," Baruto slung his school bag over his shoulder and nodded.

"Just let me change first," I nodded my head as we both walked inside our big mansion.

Boruto's Pov

As we walked into our house, I noticed the emptiness our house held. The corridor only had 2 pairs of shoes and the hallways where dark and empty. It wasn't like this before. The whole house used to be lit up with the joyful sounds of laughter and smiles.

I sighed and walked into the living room. It had glass sliding doors that led out to the back patio and pool, a giant tv that sat in front of the white sectional sofa, and old family photos that filled the walls.

This was how our family used to be, but everything changed last month. Mom began to leave more with Himawari and dad focused more on his work, leaving me alone in this mess. I shook my head and walked up the stairs to my bedroom. I sighed and opened the door. I had everything a teenager could ever want, except attention. I layer my school bag in the corner of my room and walked back downstairs where my dad was waiting.

"Ramen's ready," I smiled and nodded my head. Well at least I got some attention.

After we finished eating, dad had paperwork to do, so I decided to go upstairs and work on my homework. As I was walking to my room, I heard a cellphone ringing. I knew it wasn't mine because the battery went dead at school, it wasn't dads because he always had his on him, and it wasn't moms because she called dad and told him to pick me up from school.

I made a very confused expression and walked in the direction of the ringing, which lead me to mom and dads bedroom. The door was slightly cracked open, so I decided to slip through. I looked around but couldn't find any phone. That's when a ding went off indicating a new text.

"Moms beside table," I carefully walked over to it and pulled out the drawer, and there laid a phone that I couldn't identify, but I knew it was moms because she didn't know how to set a password.

"Why would she have an extra phone," I opened the phone and scrolled through the messages from the person called 'My Pup'.
12:30 am My Pup

"Hey my adorable kitten. Why don't you come play with me."

12:31 am Hinata

"You know why I can't do that. If he wakes up and sees that I'm not here he'll know somethings up."

12:34 My Pup

"Just ditch that Uzumaki loser and come have fun with me. You love me now right?"

12:40 Hinata

"Of course I do. I mean we have a child together. It's getting harder to hide though. Himawari likes to wipe off the make-up with her hands and the colored contacts seem to bother her eyes."

12:41 My Pup

"Exactly so come live with me and our son. He misses his mother. You only come see us during the late hours of the night, but I don't mind that ;)"

12:48 Hinata

"You pervert, fine I'll come see you, but if he wakes up I'm blaming you."

12:50 My Pup

"Of course my sexy kitten, but if I may ask why are you still with him. I mean, you only loved him during high school."

12:51 Hinata

"For the money of course"

I slammed the phone shut and fell to the ground. I couldn't comprehend what I just read. My blue eyes began to swell with tears and my face was red with frustration.

That's when she ran through the door. Her eyes darted to the phone in my hands and back up to my face. She had a apologetic expression on her face and she dropped down to her knees.

"You read them didn't you," she looked up at me and I nodded my head still crying.

"Where's your father," I shrugged my shoulders and tightened my grip on the phone.

"He's in his office, and to answer your upcoming question he doesn't know, yet." Her eyes filled with sorrow and she began to plead to me.

"Boruto please if you care anything about this family you won't tell," I looked at her in disgust. How could I not tell dad about this.

"Himawari isn't even my real sister and you expect me to keep this a secret!" She jumped up and covered my mouth.

"Please Boruto. Imagine how hurt your dad would be. He would fall into a state of depression and maybe not eat for days," I shook in her grasp and shook my head. There's no way this women... could make me betray my dad.

"Boruto please." But then what if what she said was true. It would be my fault if he became depressed. I would have been the one to kill him. I nodded my head and she slowly let go.

"Can I have my phone back," I shot a unforgiving glare at her. I threw the phone at her and dashed out of the room and into my bedroom, locking the door. If looks could kill.

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