Chapter 10

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Hinata's Pov

I truly still love Naruto, but he would never forgive me for the mistakes I've made, so he must never find out.

"Good morning Hinata," Naruto leaned over me, still in bed, and kissed my forehead. The guilt was driving me insane.

"G-good morning Naruto," I smiled lightly and pulled the covers over my mouth. He stared at me and rubbed the back of his head modestly. That's always been a habit for him. I giggled and rolled over, so I could lay on my back.

"Say Hinata, since this is the first morning you've been home in a while, how about we do something with the kids," I smiled and nodded my head. He smiled back and picked me up from the bed in a bridal style.

"Eh Naruto put me down!" I shrieked while he ran out of the bedroom, me still in his arms. Boruto stuck his head out the door and rolled his eyes at us, and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"To Himawari's room!" Naruto said in a captain like voice. I felt complete once again. These are the times I've missed out on. Naruto I'm sorry I've made a huge mistake...

Naruto's Pov

I think Hinata and I will patch things up. I mean, we have to for our kids. I looked down at Hinata in my arms and smiled, while I opened the door to Himawari's room.

She was awake and standing up in her crib. I sat Hinata down and we both walked over to her crib, picking her up I snuggled into her neck.

"Dada," I widened my eyes and felt a tear run down my cheek. I looked over to Hinata and she put her hand on my shoulder while giving me a reassuring smile.

"She, she said her first word," I kissed Himawari's forehead and hugged her tightly. Moments like this I'll never forget.

"Dada Kiba," my heart stopped, what did she just say. I slowly turned my head towards Hinata and noticed she turned paler than usual.  I put Himawari down in her crib and walked me and Hinata into the hallway.

"Who's Kiba," she looked down at the ground and fiddled nervously with her thumbs. I grabbed her hands and made her look up at me.

"Who's Kiba!," she had tears forming in her eyes and I could hear her heart pounding.

"H-He, I , don't , k-know," her voice was hoarse and you could hear Himawari's crying on the other side of the door. I shook my head and slammed my fist in the wall creating a huge whole in the wall.

I felt my hand ring in pain, but it couldn't be worse than the pain I felt in my heart. Boruto must have heard our argument because he ran out of his bedroom, throwing himself between Hinata and I.

"You told him didn't you Boruto," I widened my eyes and looked down at the now scared Boruto.

"Told me what," Boruto looked up at me with pity in his eyes and Hinata put her hand in his shoulder.

"She's cheating on you with Kiba," my heart shattered into pieces. Everything in the world that use to matter to me, didn't seem as important anymore.

"B-But why are you not happy with me. Do you not love me anymore," she had tears running down her cheeks and Boruto had a guilty expression.

"I-I do, but you seemed to not care about me anymore! What did you expect me to do! You don't even make love to me anymore! All you care about is your work!," an ache echoed throughout my heart.

This is how she felt. How did things end up like this. How did this argument even start. Himawari saying her first words? Dada Kiba? Wait does that mean..    

"Hinata, what did Himawari mean by dada Kiba," she fell to the ground in tears and Boruto ran out of the room, I didn't bother stopping him.

"She's not yours," I didn't know what to think anymore. How could she not be mine. She had my blue eyes and whiskers.

"But she has my features," she shook her head and wiped the tears from her face.

"They're fake. I had her whiskers tattooed on and she wears colored contacts. You would have never known since you were at work instead of there for her birth," I took a few steps back and shook my head. This couldn't be true.

"Get out. Get your child, your shit, and get out of my face. You saved me back then only to destroy me again," she stood up and grabbed onto my shirt.

"I still love you please forgive me. I made a mistake. Please look me in my face and tell me everything's okay," I threw her off me and looked at her in disgust.

"Get out." I ran into my office and slammed the door closed. Depression overtook my emotions, a feeling I didn't miss. I laid in front of my window and leaned my head against the window. I took out my hand and looked down at my wrist.

"She doesn't deserve to be the reason there is scars engraved into my arm," I scratched my arm hard enough to draw blood. I watched as it slowly dripped down and splashed on the floor.

"I promised you I wouldn't do it again, so won't you save me once again Sasuke. I entrust myself to you, but don't break me again."


Sorry songs kind of influenced this chapter. Headphones are the only way I can ignore the ignorance around me. Comment/Vote thanks for reading!!!

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