Chapter 3

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Some edits made FINALLY lmao
Sasuke's Pov

I shook my head and wiped the tears from my eyes. I willed myself to keep standing, for I just wanted to collapse right there in the parking lot and cry.
I kept telling myself to move, to go and see your first and only love, but I was paralyzed.

What if he was still made at me, hated me even. I decided to stop being a baby and be a man, so remend our bonds with each other. I took one step forward and ran into the tall silver office building. Negative thoughts swirled around in my head, but I wanted to see him.

I dashed in and slammed my hands down on the bleach blonde receptionists desk. I quivered and panted to catch my breath.

"I'm here to see Uzumaki Naruto, I have an appointment, and my name is Uchiha Sasuke," she stared at me wide eyed and smiled.

"Sasuke, it's been a while," I gave her a confused look and then I widened my eyes in surprise, as I looked over the blondes features.

"Hey you were one of my fangirls... I-no!," she smiled and nodded her head.

"I'll tell Naruto your here now," I reached over her desk and grabbed her hand before she could press the call button. She stared at me wide eyed and sighed.

"You don't want me to tell him it's you, is that it?,"I let her hand go and nodded my head. She rolled her eyes and put her thumb up.

"Mr.Uzumaki your next appointment is her to see you," she winked at me and pointed towards the elevator at the end of the hall. I nodded my head and sprinted into the elevator. Increments of seconds began to feel like hours, and my stomach was in knots.

The elevator opened and there he was. His fluffy blonde hair and ocean blue eyes that stared deeply into mine. I collapsed onto the floor and softly cried. I looked up at him and saw that he had his hand over his mouth, while shaking.

"S-Sasuke is that really you,' I nodded my head and he held out his hand to help me up, which I happily grabbed. I tightly grabbed onto his white button on shirt and cried into his shoulder.

"Naruto please forgive me. I'm so sorry," I shook and he held me while I did so.

"Sasuke were 37 now there's now need to act like this," I back out of his hold to see he was smiling.

"Besides I would have forgiven you anyways," he nudged at the side of my arm and started to cry.

"But I don't blame you for crying because seeing you as made me emotional too," my eye widened and then softened into a smile.

"Well I guess we're not going to be getting any work done today," he shook his head and wiped his tears from his beautiful blue eyes.

"So can I take you out to eat instead. I'll pay," Naruto flinched and shook his hands in a disapproving motion.

"Well you see, I can't go out on a date with you because I'm married to Hinata." My smile dropped and I felt sadness take over. My chest tightened and it stung.

"Well not on a date just as friends. You know to catch up," he scratched the back of his head and nodded. I sighed in relief and tried to mask my true feelings.

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