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A/N This is my first one shot and is for AmericaFreedomJones! So enjoy and remember America is a maid so picture him in a maid outfit.

 "Okay. All I have to do now is finish cleaning the book shelf and off to tell master Ivan dinner is ready." Alfred said to himself picking up his feather duster and working fairly quick to finish cleaning the library. It was about 10 minutes later when he finished. "Oh finally! That took forever." He quickly put this duster up and headed to his master's room to inform him of their dinner that was getting cold. He walked down the oak wooden halls, lined in painting of the former Braginsky family members. Arriving upon Ivan's room, Alfred knocked just loud enough for the man inside to hear.

"Please, come inside." Ivan said and Alfred did as he was told. Closing the door behind him and making sure his dress' frills didn't get caught and then he ran over to stand in front of his master. "Yes, my dear Alfred?" He said with a grin.

"D-dinner is ready sir and I would hurry before it gets cold." He said with hint of embarrassment and a small blush covering his face. Ivan didn't know but his maid had maybe fallen for him for the past few months.

"Okay. Join me, da?" Ivan said while standing up and taking hold of Alfred's hand causing the maid to blush even more. The Russian squeezed the American's hand tighter and pulled him along to the dining hall for their meal tonight. Ivan sat down in front of Alfred and stared down at the food. They had turkey with mashed potatoes.

Throughout their dinner small talk was made and sometimes awkward silences. "So how was my little Alfie's day?" Ivan tried to create a conversation but Alfred was staring at his lap to hide his red face from his master. He looked up for a second and sky blue eyes met violet eyes. They sat there in a comfortable silence falling in each other's gaze.

"O-oh... Um... My day was f-fine. I mean I did the usual. Haha..." Alfred said trying to hide his embarrassment again by looking at his plate that was empty due to his appetite.

"Great to know. Hey, Alfred. After we are done here I would like you to come back to my room with me. I would love to talk with you about something." He said with a serious face that freaked Alfred out a bit. Alfred nodded quickly making sure not to anger his master by waiting for an answer. "Good, da?" The Russian said seeing his maid agree and a smile quickly made its way back on his face. Alfred noticed this and smiled too which made Ivan's heart flutter in his chest seeing his little Alfie happy.

The two continued with their small talk until they were all finished and headed their way back up to Ivan's room. Ivan opened the door for Alfred or mumbled a small 'thanks' and walked in, Ivan following and locking the door behind him for privacy. "Please sit on my bed." He said and watched as Alfred did so. Ivan sat down right beside him and took his hand into his own. "My dear Alfie, I have a confession to make." Alfred sat there listening and nodding his head for the man to continue. "I have fallen in love with you my dear and I just had to tell you before I lost my mind. Everytime I look at you my heart flutters and your beautiful eyes always send me into a trance." He said with a smile.

"Oh Ivan, t-thanks that means so much to me, and I have fallen for you too." Alfred said with a flushed face and quickly pecked Ivan's cheek. Doing so made Ivan blush causing them both to giggle.

"Can I have a real kiss, my Alfie?"

Alfred stared up at him blushing even more hearing his question, but nodded. They both leaned and their lips connected sending sparks throughout their entire bodies, neither not wanting to end the kiss, but alas they pulled away panting for air, but both wanting another kiss, so again their lips connected but this time Alfred wrapped his arms around the Russian's neck and Ivan wrapping his arms around the American's waist, deepening the kiss.

They both pulled away looking into each others eyes knowing they were in the right person's arms.  

A/N Thanks for reading XD

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