SuFin (or FinSu)

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Hi guys! Sorry it took so long to write this one but here ya go~! This one shot is for FrancistheBonnefoy! I hope you enjoy, dudes~!

I am going to tell you a story about a brave knight by the name of Tino. This young knight had sworn to protect the royal family with his life. This swear would soon come into place as the prince of the kingdom was taken by a ferocious dragon. Now I will let you, reader, go on the journey with Knight Tino on his quest to save Prince Berwald, the man Tino had fallen in love with.

"I will find him and defeat the dragon, your majesties." The blonde knight said with a bow and quickly ran off to grab everything for his quest. Once he was ready, Tino walked into the enchanted forest, where the civilians seen the dragon take their prince.

The knight ran into all kinds of obstacles, like monsters and mountains, but the journey was worth it, as Tino made it to a giant, run down, castle that had burnt marks everywhere. "This must be the place where the dragon lives, so... Berwald must be here, too." The knight told himself, getting butterflies in his stomach as he thought of the missing prince. He slowly got up the nerves to walk up to the old, gloomy building.

Opening the two, large double doors, that made a loud creak noise, Tino peeked into the room, making sure that no one was home. The knight looked everywhere and noticed that the big place was very much empty. With a nod, the blonde carefully walked in, making sure not to make a sound. He tiptoed through the main areas, such as the throne room and kitchen until he came across more burn marks that lead up stairs.

The knight quickly ran up the stairs and followed any marks that the dragon could have made, "I'm coming, Berwald!" The blonde says, as soon as he makes it into a room and sees said prince sleeping on a master bed. Tino gasps and quickly runs over to him, "Berwald!" He shakes the prince's shoulders, trying to wake him up.

"That's not going to work." A strange, low voice said, causing Tino to look behind him and see blood red scales... The dragon, Matthias. "You see, I've placed a curse on the prince and only true love's kiss can awaken him." The dragon says.

"Why did you do this?" Tino asks, glancing at Berwalds sleeping form.

"Just for fun~! But I do promise not to mess with you guys anymore! I wish you good luck knight, on finding a way to awake the sleeping prince." Matthias says and quickly flies off, leaving the knight all alone to think of a plan for Berwald.

The knight sighs and looks at the prince, "True love's kiss, huh? I might not be your true love, but I can try..." Tino gets in a kneeling position and leans down, connecting their lips for a few seconds before he pulls away.

The blonde frowns, after a while, noticing that the kiss had no effect. He stands up and turns around, getting ready to leave before a warm hand pulls him back, "Wait, don't leave." The prince said, causing Tino to turn around, his heart fluttering. Berwald pulls Tino onto his lap, "Until I get another kiss."

Tino blushes and smiles, quickly kissing his true love once again and they both lived happily ever after.

The End~!  

I am sorry if it was rushed, but I think it turned out fine. Thanks for reading guys and have a Merry Christmas, since it is almost here~! Bye!

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