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 A/N This was requested by The_Hero_Alfred!

The sound of footsteps echoed throughout the empty hall. Two blue eyes with pink swirling in them were surrounded in darkness. "P-Please!" A voice pleaded, staring at the orbs, as their owner stepped out of the pitch black. The man had a smirk upon his pale face, as he started at his victim, blood splattered in his strawberry blonde hair.

He cackled "Now why would I do that? Watching the blood gush out of an open wound, is so beautiful." He walked closer to the person on the ground, holding his knife up, ready to stab.

"P-Please don't do this!!" The person screamed, but it was too late, as the knife went straight through the victim's throat, spewing the red liquid everywhere. The man just smiled, as he pulled the knife out and stared at the lifeless body in front of him.

"My work here is done." He said, before getting up and walking towards the door. His smile turned into confusion when he heard another scream come from across room in the apartment complex. He opened the door and looked across to see a man with brown hair, one piece defied gravity, and crimson eyes, but the thing that stood out the most, was the bat he slung over his shoulder. It has nails sprouting out of the top and blood dripped from each one. "Well, what do we have here?" He asked, gaining the man's attention.

"I could ask you the same, doll" He man said, smirking.

"First off, my name is not doll, it's Oliver, and secondly I asked first." He said, adjusting his bow tie.

The other man just laughed, "Now why would you give a murderer your name? I could track you down and find you." His crimson eyes stared down the other.

"Well, I am pretty sure it would be quite difficult to kill another murderer, especially me." Oliver said, pulling out his knife and cleaning off the blood from earlier.

The American kept laughing, "Allen, the names Allen." He said, grinning.

"Nice you meet you, Allen." They both just smiled at each other, causing Oliver to look at the other's weapon again. "Oh, great choice on that weapon. Really creative." He said.

"This? Thanks, I did make it myself, but that knife ya got is pretty old school. I like it." Allen said.

"Maybe we can go on a killing spree sometime." Oliver suggested, the other just nodded and leaned forward.

"Consider it a date." He whispered in the other's ear and pecked his cheek, before walking down the hall, holding a hand up, as if saying goodbye. Surprised by the other actions, the Brit just smiled and waved back.  

A/N I feel like this sucked, but I hope you guys liked it, I also need more request please!!

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