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A/N Yay~! Another one shot and this one is for @Forgotten_02 I hope you enjoy~!

As soon as the time hit 3:00 on one Friday afternoon, the hallways erupted in loud noises. At this time Professor Carrideo, the science professor, just dismissed his class for the day with a smile. Once all of the students were gone, he made his way over to the classroom across from his to see someone very special. "Hello, Lovi~!" The cheerful man said excitedly, as he opened the math professor's door.

"What do you want, bastardo?" An angry voice said from the desk that was in the front of the large room. Antonio just smiled and walked up to Professor Vargas.

"I have something really important to ask you~!" The Spaniard said with a light dusting of blush on his cheeks. The Italian looked up from grading papers, to see Antonio and rolled his eyes.

"Alright! What do you want?" He asked, with hidden curiosity. The brunette was just about to speak, before a student came into the classroom.

"Am I interrupting something?" She asked politely. The two men shook their head and the girl let out a sigh of relief. "U-Um, Professor Vargas, I need some help with the homework you assigned us for tonight." The blonde haired girl slowly passed Antonio and made her way to the math professor. The Spaniard just stood there, sadness filling him as the student took all of Lovino's attention.

"Alright, Allie, remember what I taught you today..." The Italian moved his hand showing the student the tips on how to do the math. 'What did Antonio want to tell me?' He thought, taking a glance at the Spaniard, and said man caught the glance and genuinely smiled at the other, making Lovino blush. The math professor looked down and seen that Allie had completed the problem correctly. "There you go. Now you can finish on your own." He said as the blonde nodded.

"Thank you, professor. I need to go now! Goodbye, Professor Vargas and Professor Carriedo." The student was gone and now left the two adults alone again.

"So, about that question?" Lovino asked, continuing to grade the papers from earlier that day. Antonio walked up to the Italian's desk, nervously and stood right in front of him.

"Um, I wanted to ask you if... you w-would go on a date with me?" The Spaniard's heart was beating fast and his stomach held multiple butterflies, but he masked it all with a bright smile, hoping it could convince Lovino more.

"A date?" Was all the Italian asked, giving the science professor less confidence, but he nodded. "When and where?" Lovino looked up at Antonio giving the Spaniard a glance of the Italian's red face that could out shine a tomato.

Seeing this, Antonio smiled brighter and answered "Sunday night at 7:00 and I plan on taking you to the fancy restaurant down the street." Lovino smiled and nodded, giving Antonio the invitation to give the Italian a giant hug.

"What are you doing, bastard?!" He yelled, but secretly loved to get the bone crushing hug. The Spaniard laughed and only answered with a sweet and small kiss on the lips.

"I love you! See you Sunday!" He yelled as he ran out of the room with a goofy grin, leaving Lovino a blushing and cursing mess behind him.

...That Sunday night blossomed into a love that would last for a lifetime, and now we will leave this new couple with a happy ending... The End~!  

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