Happy Independence Day!

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A/N I know I already posted a story today, but I wrote this one for the 4th of July (its USUK), so enjoy this special one shot! XD

Today was the 4th of July, also known as America's Birthday, so he invited all the countries over for his party. Once all of them had made it to Washington, D.C, they went to the American's house and knocked on the front door, excited for the party, they were surprised to find the happy blonde was not there. Meanwhile, across the ocean, in the country of England, Alfred had just stepped out of the airport. He walked, with his briefcase in hand, up to a taxi and told the driver the address he wanted to go to.

    Finally, the cab had reached a big manor out in the middle of nowhere. Alfred payed the driver, stepped out of the car, and grabbed his briefcase. He stood on the porch as his eyes gazed at the taxi, as it drove away and soon went out of view. The blonde turned around, with a smile, and reached a hand up to knock on the door in front of him. He couldn't hear anything inside, he knocked on the door once more, only to be met with the eerie sound of silence. 'Hmm, I wonder where he is.' Alfred thought, trying to find the spare key to get into the house. He looked around for a bit before coming up with the conclusion to look under the doormat and just as he thought, it was there.

    He picked it up and carefully slid it in the lock and turned it, while pushing the door open. "Arthur? Hello, you there?" He asked, looking around, but the Brit was nowhere to be seen. Concern quickly filled him "Arthur?" He yelled. He looked all around the house only to be met with nothing. 'I haven't looked in the living room. Maybe he is there.' With that thought in mind, he quickly ran to said room. He sighed in relief once he seen Arthur sitting on the couch, asleep. He was loosely holding a book and a cup of, now cold, tea was sitting in a saucer on top the couch's end table. Alfred laughed as he looked at the sleeping form "I should let him sleep." He said quietly to himself as he walked up and sat next to the sleeping blonde. "Aww, he is so cute." The American yawned and layed his head on Arthur's lap, quickly letting his tiredness take over and he dozed off, into a peaceful sleep.


    Arthur was the first to wake up. He felt warmth on his lap and barely opened his eyes to look down. 'Aww, little Alfie fell asleep on me.' He thought, with a smile and started to run his fingers through the American's hair, causing Alfred to smile in his sleep. While Arthur was playing with Alfred's hair, all the sleep had left his brain, so now he could think clearly. "Cute, Alfred... Alfred?" Now noticing what he was doing, a blush quickly covered his face. "ALFRED!! YOU BLOODY GIT, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" He yelled causing said man to fly awake. Alfred sat up quickly, causing him to fall off the couch and land on the hard floor. Arthur couldn't help but laugh at him and Alfred just sat there pouting like a little kid.

    "Hey, why did you have to scream, dude?" The American asked after standing up and sitting by Arthur again, who was still in a fit of laughter. "It's not that funny." Alfred pouted again and his face turned red from embarrassment.

    "I was surprised you were in my house." Arthur managed to say after calming down. "And by the way, why are you even here, isn't it your birthday?" The Brit said, Alfred nodded and turned to look at Arthur more. His blue eyes stared into Arthur's green ones. They stayed like that for a while until the blonde Brit said "Are we going to stare at each other all day... Or?"

    Alfred shook his head and felt his face heat up, he grabbed both of Arthur's hands and started to rub circles over his knuckles. Arthur looked down at the joined hands and his blush became darker. "Artie, I gotta tell ya something." Said man looked up to find Alfred's grinning face. Arthur looked at him and nodded to tell the man to continue. "I have decided for my birthday this year that I wanna spend it with you!" Alfred yelled excitedly.

    "B-but, what about your party and aren't you going to miss the fireworks." Arthur said trying to keep his tears from falling as his mind started to go back to the times of the revolution.

    "Yeah I know, but I would rather spend it with you, because I lo-" Alfred quickly caught himself before he confessed. Arthur gave him this look saying 'What was that?' "Um... Because I love hanging out with you... Yeah that's it." He said quickly standing up and walking out of the room.

    "Where are you going?" Arthur asked as he stood up to follow the American. Alfred just pointed at the guest room and walked off to it as Arthur nodded his head. 'Why did he have to come here at this time? I know he said he just wanted to hang out, but I don't think that's the whole reason.' He thought as he walked into the kitchen to make some tea.


    A few hours had passed and it was now dusk before they had started to do something. Alfred had insisted (begged) he cook instead of Arthur and so they had dinner and now it was time for Alfred's surprise. "Alrighty, ready to go, Iggy?" He asked while he stared at the Brit. Arthur just glared at him, but nodded for his answer. The American grinned and quickly grabbed Arthur by his hand and pulled him outside the house. Alfred didn't know this but Arthur was blushing really badly, but was the happiest person ever because his crush was doing all of this for him and holding his hand. After a while of running, they finally slowed down and came across a blanket. The blanket was in front of the tree so they could look up at the stars and there were lights in the tree to light up the area. Arthur gasped as he looked at the magical set up, Alfred just chuckled and motioned Arthur to sit down.

    "Wow, this is so beautiful, Alfred. Thank you." He said with a smile, once they had laid down on the blanket. They sat there staring at the stars, Alfred looked at Arthur to make sure he was distracted and he grabbed his phone and texted something to someone. The American sat up and Arthur noticed and sat up, too. Alfred looked over to the Brit and Arthur could see something shining in his eyes along with the stars that reflected in them, along with that smile, making Alfred the most handsome man the Brit had ever seen.

    "Artie, I really need to tell you something..." Alfred said looking at him. They sat there in silence waiting for Alfred to finally say something. Arthur gave him a confused look and the American just sighed, "Damn it, Tony was late-" He got cut off by a big boom in the sky causing the two nations to jump. They looked up to see what it was and right in front of them was a firework in the shape of a red heart, the letters 'I love' in white and 'you, Artie' in blue. Once Arthur had realized what it meant his face turned so red it could rival one of Spain's tomatoes, so he looked at Alfred only to find him in a blushing mess with a smile on his lips. "So, Artie..."

    Arthur had tears of joy flowing out of his eyes. "I-I love you, too, Alfred." He said, crashing their lips together in a passionate kiss, full of love. Alfred pulled Arthur closer to him, deepening the kiss. Soon they had to pull away for air, so Alfred pulled their foreheads together as they gazed into each other's eyes, both were full of love as they looked at each other.

    "Arthur, you had just made this the best birthday of my life." Alfred said as he smiled.

    Arthur just chuckled as he smiled back. "Happy birthday, Alfred, my love. You were the best thing that ever happened to me." He said as he pulled the American into another kiss, as more fireworks went off above their heads making this one magical night that neither would ever forget.

A/N I hoped you guys enjoyed and Happy 4th of July!!

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