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A/N And now we have Giripan and I would just like to thanks all of you guys for reading this. It makes me so happy!!So I hope you guys enjoy!

Starting off the day, there was a loud knock on the mansion's door. Kiku, the butler, quickly made his way down the marble staircase, towards the front door. Looking through its peephole, the Japanese man saw the mailman, outside with a package in his hands. Opening the door, the man on the other side quickly shoved the box into Kiku's hands and walked back down to his delivery truck and drove off. He looked down at the box and the name 'Heracles' was written on it. Kiku walked up the stairs, still with the box in his hands, and made his way to his master's room. "Sir Heracles, there is a package for you." He said, knocking on the door.

The man inside the room quickly opened the door and pulled his butler inside. Kiku screamed in terror but quickly became silent knowing he was safe. The Greek man gently took the box from the Japanese man and walked over to his bed to inspected it better. Curious, the butler looked over his master's shoulder to see what was in the box. Heracles opened the box carefully and pulled out two sets of cat ears and tails. One was black and the other was brown, matching both male's hair color.

"I love cats and I think your outfit will go great with these black cat ears and tail." Heracles said, turning around, with happiness in his green eyes and holding out a pair of cat ears to his Japanese butler. "And it will make you look like a cute little kitty." Kiku nodded his head and took the ears out of the Greek man's hand. Placing them upon his head, he looked into the mirror nearby and a dusting of red covered his cheeks.

"Um... Do they look good?" Kiku asked, looking at the Greek man from the mirror. He saw Heracles' eyes widen as he turned around. Heracles simply nodded and quickly turned away so his butler, now cat, wouldn't see his now red face. He quickly placed the brown colored cat ears and tail on himself and walked over and pulled his butler into a hug.

"Now we both are cute cats." He said happily into Kiku's black hair causing said man to blush feeling the Greek's warm breath on his scalp. Heracles moved his arms, one now around the butler's waist and the other on his entangled his and Kiku's fingers together. He started dancing, making the brown eyed man follow his lead by putting his other hand on the green eyed man's shoulder. The two danced to nothing with big smiles on their faces.

After a while they slowed down, giggling. Heracles stopped and put his hand under Kiku's chin so the his brown eyes met his green ones. Both of them slowly leaned in, their lips connected in a soft, passionate kiss. Kiku's eyes fluttered closed and he felt the warmth in his chest that the kiss created. They pulled away and Kiku rested his head upon the Greek's shoulder. No words were said between the both of them knowing that they both felt love. They both looked at each other with love in their eyes and stood in the warmth of their embrace, smiling. 

A/N Thanks for reading! Sorry if its short but I added a lot a cuteness to make up for it XD 

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