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A/N Hello guys I have another PruCan but Canada is a maid now and this story is for The_Hero_Alfred!! So enjoy XD Also this story is set in a Medieval AU.

In a land far back in time lived the prince of The Kingdom Aerossilia. Gilbert was this prince's name and he was in an arranged marriage, yet he didn't know, but today was the day he would meet and marry this princess. Gilbert woke up that morning with his best friend, Gilbird singing happily, putting him in a good mood. There was a knock on the door and the albino got out of bed and opened the door to see his mother and father, the king and queen. "Good morning, son." His father said as he looked down to his oldest son. "Today is a very special day, so I will have your maid, Matthew help you to pick out a nice outfit." The king stepped out of the way to reveal said maid. Gilbert's heart started to pound once he seen the blushing Canadian.

"H-hello, Master Gilbert." He greeted in a whisper as he walked past the king and queen to stand by the prince. Gilbert just smiled as a response. The two adults nodded their heads to each other and walked off closing the door behind them, leaving the maid and prince alone.

"So, Birdie. What's the special occasion?" The albino asked as he walked to his bed and took a seat. Gilbird came down and landed on his shoulder, making Gilbert reach up and pet the yellow bird.

"Your parents said it was a surprise and that I can't tell you." He said with hurt in his voice, but was too quiet for the prince to hear. Gilbert tried to argue with Matthew, but only got quietly yelled at. "Listen sir, I can't tell you. You just have to wait and see once we are done here." The Canadian walked over to the prince's closet and pulled out a red tunic and dress pants, made of the kingdom's finest silk. He walked over the albino and handed him the outfit. The prince quickly put on what his maid picked out from him. "Ah, perfect. The red really matches your eyes." Matthew said a bit flustered.

"I agree. Thanks, Matthew." The Canadian looked up at him with a smile. "Now will you please escort me to the throne room?" Gilbert held out his hand for blue eyed maid to take. The blonde just nodded and grabbed the albino's hand and they both walked out with pounding hearts and blushing faces.

~Time Skip~

They arrived at the throne room to see the king and queen sitting in their thrones, along with Gilbert's younger brother, Ludwig. The prince let go of his maid's hand and walked over to take a seat at his throne. The room was a beautiful light blue color and was filled with family portraits. The king noticed everyone was in the room and leaned over to a knight that was to his right and whispered something to him. The knight nodded and walked out of the room to be followed by a beautiful young women with brown hair.

"Welcome Hazel, Princess of Amis." The king said as the women walked up to stand in front of the royal family. "Now we can let the marriage of my oldest son, Gilbert and Hazel begin." Everyone in the room clapped except for Matthew who had a slight frown.

"Wait! What?!" Gilbert yelled with a confused expression on his face. 'This isn't supposed to happen. I am supposed to marry my true love, Matthew' He thought as he looked over to see the maid with a frown. "What is this father? You never called for an arranged marriage."

"Son, you will be marrying this young lady." His father said with a smile, but Gilbert wouldn't allow this.

"No, I can't. I love somebody else." He said as he walked over to Matthew. "I love Matthew and I won't be marrying anyone else but him." He told the king and looked down at the smiling Canadian.

"But, Gilbert, you ca-"

"No dad. If I am marrying someone it will be Matthew." The albino said, cutting his father off.

With a sigh his father said "Very well. I won't force something my son doesn't want."

Gilbert smiled up at his dad, who smiled back. "Ich liebe dich, Birdie." He said as he leaned down and captured the Canadian's lips on his own. The kiss was long, passionate and filled with so much love.

"Je t'aime, Gilbert." Matthew said once they pulled away and gazed into each others, love filled, eyes.

A/N I hope you guys liked it and I really liked the Medieval AU so I might do another one of those. Bye! XD

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