Spamano and USUK (Pt. 1)

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A/N This was a request by AnimeMonster64 and The_Hero_Alfred, so enjoy! (It's a pirate AU)

 "Hey, Lovino, wanna go fishing today?" Alfred asked, walking up to the Italian, who was sitting down, eating a tomato.

Said man just sighed and looked back to the blonde. "Fine, bastardo, but if I get wet, then I swear... ." He answered. Alfred had an unsure smile on his face, but was happy his friend would come along.

They soon got their boat ready, along with the fishing poles and were out of the docks, heading toward sea. "Now, we need to make sure to stay clear of pirates. Don't want to be caught do we?" Alfred asked Lovino, as they made it to a good fishing spot. He just chuckled as the Italian looked at him and rolled his eyes.

"Don't tell my you still believe pirates will come to our island." Lovino said, throwing the hook in the water and watching it bob up and down. The American just laughed and repeated the same action the Italian did, but on the other side of the boat.

"I mean, of course not. They would have to be desperate to find land to find us." Alfred said.


"We have been out here for awhile now, shouldn't we head back, bastard?" Lovino asked, looking down at the pile a fish they caught that day.

"Um, sure. Just let me catch one more." Alfred answered. Lovino just sighed and leaned against the side of the ship, for his friend to finish. "Hey, what's that in the distance?" The blonde asked, causing the Italian to look to where the other was pointing. "Th-That's a big ship!" The American said with shock in his voice.

"That's not just a ship, that's a pirate ship! Alfred, quickly! We need to paddle back to shore." With that, the two started to paddle their boat as fast as the could, but it wasn't fast enough. Soon the ship caught up with them and they could see how massive it was. Without them noticing, a harpoon was shot at their boat, making the thing say still and soon they could see other people starting to head towards them. They stared at each other in pure horror, when one of the pirates jumped on their boat and grabbed Lovino. "Hey! Let go of me you, bastard!" He yelled, thrashing around.

"No can do, amigo." The pirate answered. He had brown hair a very green eyes, 'Why is this pirate so handsome... Whoah, Lovino, you did not just think that!' The pirate just walked off into another boat leaving Alfred alone, but soon enough a pirate with icy blue eyes came and took him.

"Hey! Put me down!" The American yelled, but the man did nothing. "Could you at least tell me where you are taking us." The man just nodded and answered.

"We are taking you to our captain and he will decide what will happen to you." The man, who sounded German, said. Lovino and Alfred were both terrified, as the boat was being lifted back to the ship and the both of them were thrown on deck.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The sound of boots clacking on the floor, brought Alfred's head to turn towards the voice he just heard, while Lovino was hiding his face from the thought he had, causing him to blush. The American's eyes widened once he saw the owner of the voice. The man had a red coat on and tight leggings (cue Alfred drooling), along with calf high boots. Alfred looked up to see his smirking face, but his eyes were the most beautiful green he had ever seen.

Lovino, on the other hand, noticed his blushing face had calmed down, so he looked up to see the pirate that had captured him. The man had brown hair that framed his face perfectly. He had the most enchanting green eyes ever. The man also had a white puffy shirt, cream colored pants and boots, just below his knees. The Italian just sat there staring at him, the man noticed and smiled down at him, making Lovino's face as red as a tomato. "Hello, my name is Antonio. What is yours?" He asked, kneeling in front of the Italian.

"Why should I tell you, bastard? But, if must know it's Lovino." He whispered the last part, but the pirate still heard him and he just smiled.

"Antonio, are you done talking yet?" Lovino looked over to see the man who had spoken, he also saw Alfred drooling over him. Antonio nodded at the blonde man and he continued his talking.

"Alright, I am Captain Arthur Kirkland and you two are going to be working on this ship until I find something good to do with you and no slacking." 

~Continued in part 2~  

A/N I am back and yes I am making this into 2 parts, so look forward for the next part and I need more request guys, so please tell me a shipping and I will write it!

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