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A/N Another GerIta, requested by The_Hero_Alfred!

Germany's P.O.V

Dear Journal,

Today, I woke up next to Italy again, but something wasn't right. I kept looking at him and thinking he was cute. I also, starting to get this weird feeling and my face was really hot, but I just ignored it, thinking it was allergies.

I sighed, putting my journal down, along with my pen and looked over to see Italy's sleeping form. I felt my face become hot again and quickly turned away. "What is happening to me?" I asked myself, standing up and walking over to my closet. I pull out a casual outfit and head to the bathroom, for a shower.

After my shower, I brush my teeth and before I head to the kitchen, I take a quick peek at Italy. He is now sitting up, rubbing his eyes, like he just woke up and turns his gaze to look at me. He smiles at me and waves, while I feel my heart rate go up, I just nod and walk away quickly to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Soon, I hear footsteps walking towards me, knowing it was that Italian, I move my head down, staring at my food like it was the best thing ever. "Good morning, Germany!" Italy yelled, excitedly, causing me to look at him. Again my face started to become hot and I could feel something weird in my stomach.

"Y-Yes, good morning, Italy." I cursed under my breath for stuttering, but the happy Italian seemed to have not noticed, so I just brushed it off. "Um... I have some... Ah.... Training, yes training, I need to do today, so I must be leaving. See you later." I said quickly running out of the room, hoping he wouldn't catch on to my lie. 'I can just go to the library and get a book to see what's wrong with me.' With that thought in mind, I walked all the way there to find the book I need.


I have been searching for a while now for this book. "Hmm... Where is it?" I asked myself, scanning down the row of books, soon one catches my eyes, so I pick it up and flip to the first page. Having weird feelings when you look at someone? Well this is the book for you. The first page read. I ran to the checkout counter, with the book in my hands, checked it out and quickly walked back to my house to figure out what was wrong with me.

Finally making it to my house, I walk in, flipping open the book and walking over to my couch. Sitting down, I place my reading glasses on my face and look through the table of contents. I flipped to a page called Face Heating Up and read the whole thing. I learned a few things and continued to to the page labeled as Weird Feeling In Your Stomach. I read even more, finding out some stuff and finally coming to a conclusion. "I am in love with Italy."

"What was that, Germany?" I hear the cheerful Italian asked. My red face looked over to see his smiling looking at me. 'Oh no! He heard what I said, now what will he think of me?' I painicly thought to myself. Italy just walked up to the couch and took a seat next to me, leaning his head on my shoulder. The touch of him made my skin feel all tingly and I could feel the butterflies coming back.

"Um... What d-did you hear me s-say?" I stuttered out, looking away from my crush. I felt him shift on my shoulder and without any warning, I feel his soft lips on my cheek. Surprised, I look over at him to see his red face had a smile on it.

"Enough to know that you love me, and Germany, I want you to know that I love you too." He said happily, with a smile, which made me smile back and I pulled him into an embrace.

"Ich liebe dich, Italy." I said kissing him on the top of his head. He snuggled up to me and I heard him sigh in content, making me smile.

"Ti amo, Doitsu." He said, looking up and me and connecting our foreheads together. He gave me a quick kiss, before snuggling to me again and we both sat there for the rest of the day cuddling each, me being the happiest I have ever been.  

A/N I hoped you enjoyed and I really need request guys, so please request your shipping and it doesn't matter if I have already written it, if you want that ship you got it!!

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