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A/N Another USUK, requested by The_Hero_Alfred.

 Arthur sat on the couch in the living room he shared with his boyfriend and looked outside to see the sun shining happily. He took a sip of his tea as a pair of arms wraps around his neck. "Hello, Artie!" Alfred said, kissing the top of his lover's head.

Arthur blushed at the nickname. "Hi, Alfred. Finally you're up. It's 11:28." The Brit said looking at the digital clock by the TV.

"I have actually been up for a while now." The American walked over and sat beside Arthur, pulling him onto his lap. The blonde just gave him a look that said 'I don't believe you.' "What? I was just planning on what we were gonna do today and figured it out!" He said smiling.

Taking another sip of his tea, Arthur said "Well, tell me, yank." He looked up at Alfred and seen a great big smile on the other's face.

"We are going swimming! Haha!" Alfred answered proudly. Arthur had a look of joy and terror on his face. He was glad his love was happy to go swim, but the Brit had a secret that no one should know of. "Um... You okay there, Arthur?"

"Y-Yes! I was just thinking, that's all. Hehe..." 'Oh no, what if he finds out... No, I won't let him.' "Let's just get ready to go, okay?" The blonde got up from Alfred's lap and held his hand out for the other to take, who gladly did and they both walked off to their shared bedroom.


"Ready to go, Artie?" Alfred called once he was finished getting his American flag swimming trunks on, along with packing a bag full of towels and sunscreen. The American heard a faint "Yeah" and the sound of footsteps echoed through the house and soon Arthur came to the front door where his lover was. The Brit was wearing Union Jack trunks. "You look great."

Arthur blushed but mummered a "Thanks", to which the American smiled and grabbed the other's hand pulling him to their vehicle.


"Yay! We are here!" Alfred shut off the car and opened the door, grabbing the bag he brought and stood in front of the entrance. "Come on, Artie!" He yelled.

"Hold on a sec, you git." The Brit said walking up to stand beside Alfred. The two intertwined their fingers as they walked in and looked around at the pools and water slides. Alfred started walking off to a chair and Arthur followed.

"Is right here good to put our stuff?" He asked, waiting for the Brit's approval. The blonde nodded, so the American began placing his stuff down on one of the chairs. "Alright, babe, ready to go?"

"Um, yes. Just give me a minute to place my things down, love." Alfred just smiled and walked off to the closest area to swim at, leaving Arthur alone with his thoughts. 'Okay, all I have to do is make sure does not find out.' He thought, sighing, but followed after his boyfriend.

Arthur found the blonde in the deep part of the pool, splashing around. He stopped once he noticed the other "Hello, Artie. Wanna jump in? I'll catch ya." The American held out his arms.

"Um, no I think I am fine." Arthur said, taking a step back from the water. Alfred's face had a confused look on it, but he continued playing around, thinking his lover wasn't ready to get in the water yet.


"You gonna get in, Arthur?" The American asked, walking up to the Brit, who was sitting in a chair that was in front of the pool that Alfred just got out of.

"I was planning to..."

"Well come one! I'll help ya!" The American exclaimed, picking up Arthur bridal style.

"W-Wait!! Alfred no-" Before he could finish the blonde threw him into the water, with a loud splash. The American smiled and watched as the Brit went under. 'He's been under there for a while now.' A frown quickly formed upon his lips, once he realized that Arthur couldn't swim. 'Shit! Oh no, Arthur! I'm comin' to get ya!' The blonde jumped in and quickly grabbed his lover's arms and pulled him out of the water.

"Arthur! Arthur, are you okay?!" He yelled, looking down to the pale man, whose eyes started to slowly open.

"A-Alfred...?" The Brit questioned. Alfred sighed in relief and pulled his boyfriend into an embrace.

"I'm so sorry, Artie! I thought I killed you! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" The American started crying.

"It's okay, love. I am perfectly fine and this is mainly my fault for not telling you I couldn't swim. I thought you would make fun of me for it."

Alfred just chuckled "I would never make fun of you for not being able to swim because that means if you get stuck in water again I could be your hero!" The American kissed the Brit on the forehead and started laughing at the glare the other was giving him. "I love you, Artie!"

"I love you too, my so called hero." The Brit answered, rolling his eyes as Alfred smiled at him. Today wasn't as bad as Arthur thought it would be.  

A/N Thanks for reading and please request another shipping or I won't have a story Wednesday! Bye, dudes!

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