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A/N Yay! Spamano now and just a warning there will be cussing cuz I mean its Romano but enjoy!! and this is for AnimeMonster64 and AmericaFreedomJones!!

"Lovino, come here I have something for you!" Antonio said to his Italian maid. Said maid walked into the room to see the Spaniard holding up pink maid dress. Realizing the dress was for him Lovino's face quickly became red with anger.

"There is no way in hell I am wearing that you, tomato bastard!" Lovino yelled, but due to his anger he never noticed Antonio shutting and locking the door behind him to prevent the Italian's escape. So Lovino turned around only to run into his master's chest and be pulled into a hug.

"Oh, come on my little Lovi. If you don't I will force it on you." He said with a grin causing the smaller man to blush. Lovino looked up at Antonio with a scowl on his, now red face giving the Spanish man the look of 'I am not wearing that bastard!' "Okay. You forced this on yourself, mi amigo." So with that the fighting began and we are all questioning who will win? Antonio, being slightly bigger and stronger, had won. He was now on top of the smaller Italian who was now in a pink maid's dress. Lovino quickly pushed Antonio off him and stood up. Looking down at himself, his face turned even more red with anger and a little bit a embarrassment (yea that's a lie more like a lot of embarrassment). "Awww! My Lovi is so cute now. All I want to do is hug you to death. Now would you like some tomatoes, querido?"

Lovino looked up at the brunette and gave a quick nod. "But don't think I won't forget this, jerk." He said as the green eyed man unlocked and opened the doors with the amber eyed man right behind him. They walked through the halls admiring the beautiful paintings hung up and they made small talk. Finally making their way to the dining hall, they both picked up a tomato from the basket sitting in the middle of the wooden table.

"Alright, Lovi, I have work to do today so please be a good maid and finally clean your room up for once." The Spaniard pleaded with a little bit of hope in his voice.

"After what you did this morning, I don't know you bastardo." Lovino said glaring at the man in front of him after finishing his snack.

"Please, I am sorry but I saw the dress and I knew my little tomate would look cute in it, but I guess I can't make you do anything." He said with a sad look in his eyes causing the Italian's heart to break. "Well, I must go off and finish my work. Goodbye, Lovino." And with that the happy man was gone, leaving Lovino alone in the silence of the room.

'Looks like the bastard is sad, maybe I could be nice for once and do what he asks.'Lovino thought, 'I mean, this dress is stupid and I hate it, but he did get it for me.' With that thought in mind, Lovino quickly got to work on trying his best to make Antonio happy.

-Time skip by tomatoes-

"Ah, work was hard today but I finished." Antonio said as he walked into the dining hall where he left Lovino this morning to eat dinner. "Hmm. Its cleaner in here than I remember and where even is my little tomate to begin with? Lovi, where are you?" He said, waiting for the Italian to come. A few minutes had past and, still, Lovino was nowhere to be seen. "I will look around for him." Antonio said, as he left the room to look for the missing maid.

Antonio looked in every room in his house for the smaller man and he kept noticing all the rooms were cleaned which brought a smile to his face. Looking everywhere he finally came upon his own room. Opening the door slowly to prevent noise, he poked his head in and saw a curl poking up from his bed. Walking up closer he saw Lovino curled up in a ball, fast asleep. "Haha. Looks like someone got tired after cleaning everything." The green eyed man said, as he walked up to the sleeping form and laid down next to it, putting his arms around Lovino and pulling him closer. "Gracias for this, tomate." He said, and placed a kiss on the sleeping man's face and forehead "I love you, my dear Lovi." Hearing this, Lovino turned bright red like one of Spain's tomatoes.

He looked up and quickly pecked Antonio on the cheek "I love you, too, tomato bastard." He said snuggling up next to Antonio, and both of them drifted off into sleep.  

A/N Thanks for reading guys and I finally found out how to put things in bold now lol!!! See ya in the next part! BYE!

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