Pirate UKUS

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A/N Okay so here is my Pirate!England x CabinBoy!America and I am going to make Alfred a little OOC cuz I want him to be all flustered around his captain ^_^ So enjoy!!

Alfred's P.O.V

The beautiful colors of pink and orange, filled the sky as the sun was setting in the horizon. The sea was peaceful all day and it looked so amazing from the view I had on the ship with the sun set behind it. While staring out at the waves, the sound of a door opening caused my head to turn slightly. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a red coat. 'Captain Arthur Kirkland.' I thought as my head turned all the way around to fully look at him. He was dressed in his well known red coat and under it was a simple tunic, he had knee high, black boots with a sword and gun on his belt, and a black hat with a white feather sat atop his sandy blonde hair, but the thing that always catches my eyes was his emerald ones that always shone with life. He also had the most entrancing smile that made my heart skip a beat.

"Jones, are you alright?" He asked, looking at me with concern. I quickly turned my head away, now turning red from embarrassment. 'Oh no, he saw me staring at him. He must think I am weird now.' I thought.

Quickly thinking of a reply, I stuttered out an answer "Y-yes! I'm fine." I ran off to another part of the ship, not wanting to stay in pirate's presence anymore so I wouldn't be embarrassed more and to clean another part of the ship before night fell. 'That was a close one. I hope he doesn't talk to me about it, that would be-' I got interrupted from my thoughts as I heard footsteps approach me. "S-sorry I ran off, C-captain." I said nervously, thinking Arthur was behind me.

"Oh, I am not our captain, Alfred-san. It's me Kiku." The voice said behind me. I let out a sigh and my blue eyes landed upon the Japanese man. 'It's just Kiku, thank god' "But, Arthur-san is requesting your presence in his Captain's Quarters." 'Spoke too soon didn't ya, Alfred' "I would hurry, Alfred-san. He sounded really serious." I nodded at the browned eyed man and he walked with me towards Arthur's room. Upon arriving Kiku said "Well I must be on my way now." Bowing, he walked off and left.

I knocked on the door, only for it creak open slightly. "Hello?" I asked, looking into the room, while pushing on the door to open it more. I walked inside and found it empty. 'Why did he want me if he isn't even here to talk?' I turned around to walk out but the door slammed shut by the one and only Captain Kirkland, his jacket, hat and boots were off, I noticed. He stood there with a smirk on his face as he watched me. I felt the warmth of my blush creep up my neck to the tips of my ears. "Um... S-sir, did ya n-need me?" I looked down at my feet to hide my flustered cheeks 'I hope he can't hear my heart, I feel like it's gonna pound out of my chest.'

"Yes, Alfred." He said walking towards me, causing my feet to move backwards until my legs hit the side of his bed. He kept walking towards me, but stopped once our chests were touching. He leaned forward making our faces mere inches apart. "I do need you." His hands pressed firmly down on my chest making me fall backwards. I landed on his bed only to see him crawl up on top of me and straddle my waist.

"Um... Arthur?"

He placed his finger on my lips "Shush, love." I looked up at him only to be met with his lips on mine. His hands were placed on both sides of my head and mine found their way into his hair. I felt one of his hands slide under my shirt and run across my chest, causing me to gasp. He slipped his tongue into my mouth, we fought for dominance but he quickly won and explored everything he could before he pulled away, for much needed air. "You do not know how long I've wanted to do that." He smirked while running his hand through my hair.

I chuckled and said "Me too". I brought his head down to kiss me again.

"We're going to have fun tonight, love." The captain said as he started to pull my shirt off.  

A/N Thanks for reading guys XD (I write too many with America and England shipping dont I? LOL Oh well its just my OTP so ya!)

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