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A/N This was requested by CatGamer360, so I hope enjoy and I didn't know their ship name, so if anyone does pls tell me, so I can correct it. Thanks!

Viktor walked through the house he shares with his boyfriend, Ivan. The Russian made his way to their shared bedroom and found his way to the closet. He opened up its door, wide enough to look through the whole thing, and pulled on a string, that was connected to the light bulb and turned it on. He looked through the shelves and finally came across a box, with a heart on it. He pulled it away from the closet and opened it up, looking inside, he saw his heart. Not liking the emotions it gives him, he ripped it out and put it in here and promised himself to give it to someone he cares about and today was that day.

    Smiling, he thought of how he was going to give it to Ivan, the man he loved so much. He had the whole day planned out and was ready to set in in motion, once his lover got home. With the little box in his hand he walked out the room and went down stairs to take shower and relax until it was time.

~Time Skip~

    It was now 4:00 pm and Ivan just walked through the front door. He was surprised to find Viktor standing in front of the door waiting for him, with the brightest smile on his face. "Um... Hello, Viktor. What's the occasion?" He asked.

    "No occasion. Why can't I take my boyfriend out?" He said, looking at Ivan with a genuine smile. The other Russian just shrugged and placed his briefcase down and the both of them walked out if the house, with intertwined fingers.

Viktor took Ivan to a fancy restaurant for their date. "I will pay half, for mine." Ivan insisted, but Viktor just shook his head and said he would pay for everything. Throughout the dinner, Viktor could see the happiness is his lover's eyes, making his heart beat with joy.

After they ate, the two lovebirds went to the park and walked around, beneath the star covered sky. While walking, they found a tree and took a seat under it to look up at the stars in awe. Ivan cuddled up to his boyfriend and Viktor wrapped his arm around the other's shoulders, pulling him closer. 'Now is the perfect time.' Viktor thought, as he pulled out the small box from his pocket. "Ivan, would you mind standing up for a bit."

Ivan nodded his head and stood up, along with Viktor. He turned to face his boyfriend to see Viktor with a small blush and smile on his face. He grabbed Ivan's hands in his own and got down on one knee. "Ivan, you are the love of my life and I can trust you with anything. You are the only person that can make me smile and laugh, so I wanted to give this to you." He said pulling out the box that his heart was in. Ivan had the biggest smile on his face, he knew what that box meant and he was happy his true love was giving it to him. Viktor held the box up for the other to take, who gently grabbed it and held it to his heart. "I would also like to give you this." He pulled out another box, but smaller. The Russian opened it and inside was a diamond ring, sparkling in the moonlight. "Will you marry me?"

Ivan couldn't take it anymore, he let his tears of joy flow as he answered "Yes, I will. I love you, Viktor!" He put the ring on his finger and pulled, his now fiancé, up by his collar, into a loving kiss. 'Best choose I've ever made.' Viktor thought, melting into the kiss and was happy it was with the one he loved.

A/N Sorry if this one was too short or rushed. I have been busy lately, but I hope you enjoyed and I need more request please. Thanks dudes!

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