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A/N Ok now SuFin and this story is hannahadams1000 so enjoy this cute one shot! XD  also sorry if I get anything wrong I have never written a SuFin story before.

The sun was shining on Tino's beautiful flower garden. Said man walked out of his house to view and feel the sun's warmth in his flowers. Berwald, Tino's butler, followed behind him keeping a good distance in between the two men. Tino loved having Berwald come with him in the mornings to look at the flowers. He always thought it was so romantic, and yes, Tino had fell in love with his butler, who was overprotective of him and made sure everything was right and that Tino was happy. But Berwald didn't know that all Tino needed was just to see the Swedish man everyday and he would be happy. Every time the Fin was in the presence of the Swede his heart would pound and when they locked gazes his face would turn the brightest crimson red. 'Oh, how I wished he loved me back.' Tino thought while walking around and looking how the morning dew reflected the sun's rays. While Tino was walking he tripped over a tree's root that had grown over the sidewalk. Berwald quickly ran over and caught Tino before he hit the ground.

"Are you alright, sir?" Berwald asked while holding the Finnish man in his arms bridal style and looking into his violet eyes.'He's so cute' Berwald thought to himself. Tino looked up to his butler and a blush covered his face once he realized how Berwald was holding him.

"Y-yes. I am f-fine. T-thanks Berwald." He said while turning his head down. The Swede nodded and sat his master down but kept a firm grip around his waist to prevent an event like that to happen again. They started walking again and Tino could feel his heart pounding up against his chest and making him blush all the way up to the tips of his ears.

The morning passed by quickly and Tino and Berwald made their way back to the mansion. Opening the door, Berwald made a mental note at Tino's red face. He asked with concern "Master, are you feeling okay? Do you have a fever?"

"Oh. Umm.... N-no I am fine." Tino said quickly running off to his room to calm his pounding heart and flustered cheeks. Berwald just stood there with a confused face and let the matter pass as he continued his work as a butler. For the rest of the day Tino stayed in his room reading a book until it was time for dinner. He quickly ate and hurried off to bed before Berwald could say anything causing the butler to become worried for his master.

                                                                -Time skip-

Tino quickly sat up in bed, panting. 'That was a terrifying nightmare' He thought 'Berwald had died trying to save me and I never got to say goodbye' Thinking back on his dream tears started to fall down his face. "Berwald! Please don't leave me!" He yelled out loud. Said butler heard this and quickly ran into his master's room to see him curled up in a ball with blankets, crying into his pillow. He ran over to the Fin's bed and wrapped him in a protective hug to comfort him. Tino quickly hugged back and started to cry into the larger man's chest.

"Tino, are you okay, sir?" Berwald asked in a soothing voice trying to calm the man down. "Please tell me what is wrong and what you yelled." He sat there holding the man and rubbing circles on his back to calm him down even farther.

"I h-had a nightmare t-that you died t-trying to protect me and you left me. Please, Berwald d-don't leave me all alone." He said sobbing. Berwald listened to everything Tino said and squeezed him tighter.

He kissed the man's forehead and said "I promise you, I won't leave Tino. I love you too much to leave and I must protect you as well."

Tino looked up to stare at the blue man's eyes "Y-you love me?" He asked with hope in his voice. Seeing Berwald nod his head, Tino's face held the brightest smile anyone had ever seen. His crying slowed down more and with his new found happiness he put his arms around Berwald's neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Their lips crashed together causing Berwald to be surprised but quickly pushed back. "I love you too!" He said once they pulled away. Both of them had smiles on their faces. "Can you please stay with me for tonight?" He asked.

Berwald quickly agreed and they both laid down in each other's arms, falling asleep with happiness and love in their hearts. 

A/N Thanks for reading this one shot. I will have another one soon! 

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