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A/N Yay!! Another story and this one is for hannahadams1000!! Enjoy XD

"Hey Toris, I like, totally need to show you something!" Feliks yelled out of the room he was in, to the Lithuanian man who was not far away. Toris let out a sigh and jumped off of the couch he was sitting on. He walked down the hall towards the room the Pole was in and what he saw surprised him. There was Feliks, standing in the middle of the room with a maid's dress on.

"Feliks! What are you wearing, you're supposed to wear the butler's suit not the maid's dress." Toris said with a blush forming on his face while he looked up and down the Polish man. 'Maybe he should stay in that dress. It looks good on him' He thought to himself.

"Well, that thing like, totally sucks and I look fabulous in this skirt." He said turning around to look at himself in the room's mirror. "So I am a maid now." Feliks said, winking at the blushing Lithuanian, causing said man to blush three shades redder.

"B-but, when we played truth or dare at the World Meeting, you were dared to be my butler." He said thinking back at the meeting.


Today the countries were having a World Meeting. Everything was going great until... "The Hero is here, dudes!" America said busting through the Meeting Hall's doors.

"America you git! You just disrupted the meeting!" An angry England said. This caused the room to become loud with arguing. Germany couldn't handle it anymore so he stood up and crashed his hands upon the table.

"EVERYBODY SHUT UP!" He yelled and the room became silent. "Now, since America's rude interruption we will take a short break." Everyone soon left the room but only America, England, France, Poland, Japan, Prussia,and Lithuania stayed behind.

"Hey dudes, we should play truth or dare!" America said causing the other countries to sigh but nodded their heads since there was nothing else to do. "Okay. This game was my idea so... Poland! Truth or dare?" The American nation asked.

"Um... Dare." He said taking the risk of what America had for him. He saw America's eyes look around and looked at Lithuania, a ghost of a smile appeared on his lips.

"I dare you to be Lithuania's butler for two weeks." The blonde nation said causing Toris to look up from what he was doing with wide eyes.

                                                            ~End Flashback~

"Yea, but he didn't say I had to wear the butler's suit." Feliks said, proving his point. "And I know you think I totally look fabulous wearing this." He said like he was reading Toris' thoughts.

"N-no I... Um maybe... Okay, fine, yes you look great." The Lithuanian admitted, turning away to hide his burning face. Hearing this, Feliks walked up to Toris and connected their lips together. Toris felt soft lips on his own and once he realized who it was, he pushed back. After a while they pulled away and Toris asked, " How about staying with me after the two weeks are up?" He saw Feliks nod and they both knew these next few weeks were going to be fun.  

 A/N Thanks for reading guys I will have another story up soon! ^_^

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