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A/N YAY! I am back and with another story and now here is USUK (I was going to make this into a UKUS, but the situation I put them in kinda makes it this way.)!! If any of you guys get the references in this story great job!! :D Enjoy!!

Alfred mentally curses as the smell of alcohol wafts through the Kirkland Manor. 'Don't tell me Arthur is drunk again.' The American butler thought as he walked down the halls to his master's office. The smell had gotten stronger, so he knew his thought was correct. He opened the door, bracing himself for the overwhelming smell. He poked his head in and saw Arthur complaining about something under his breath. "Um... Sir? Are you okay?" He asked politely knowing the drunken man got overly emotional when drunk.

    "I am bloody fantastic, Alfred!" The Brit replied, turning his head to look at said man. Around the room, Alfred could see two empty bottles of whisky and a third one that seemed to have a enough missing for a person to have a cup. "So whaddya want?" He asked while taking another drink from his cup.

    "Dude, you should stop drinking. You're already drunk enough and I came to tell you it's time to go to sleep." Alfred said grabbing the cup out of Arthur's hand, before he could take another drink of alcohol. The Brit's eyes widened and his face became red with anger.

    "I am not drunk! I am Arthur bloody Kirkland and I can hold my liquor better than anyone!" He yelled, and attempting to grab his drink back from his butler. Knowing he wouldn't get it back, he gave up. "I thought you would understand why I did this, but uh-uh." He said defensively.

    "Dude, calm down. But you really should be getting to bed, so let's go!" The blonde American said picking up Arthur and throwing him over his shoulder. They walked down the hall with the English gentlemen thrashing around, almost making Alfred drop him. Once they came to The blonde Brit's bedroom, the butler opened the door and walked in. He place Arthur down on his bed and retrieved a cup of water for the Brit. Coming back he noticed little sobs coming from Arthur, so he placed the cup down on a nightstand and walked up to his drunken master. "Arthur, are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked, feeling concerned.

    Without warning, Arthur leaned up into a sitting position and pulled Alfred down onto his bed so they were sitting right across from each other and hugged him, sobbing in his chest. "Please don't leave again Alfred. I don't want to be alone and the stress is already to much." He said and feeling Alfred hug him back made his crying slow down and a smile forming on his lips. He looked up and pulled Alfred down into a love filled, but sloppy, kiss.

    Surprised at first, Alfred's blue eyes widened but he quickly pushed back. 'Oh, I wanted to do this since the first time I saw him.' The American thought feeling Arthur's smile. "I love you so much Artie~!" He exclaimed happily, after they pulled away to look into his emerald eyes now filled with love.

    "I love you, too, Alfred. I always have. Now shut up and kiss me again." Arthur said, pulling Alfred's tie and connecting their lips again, the contact sending warmth in their chests. Their kiss was more sweet and passionate than the first this time, causing them both to crave more.

    "I could get used to this every night." Alfred said, once their make-out session was over. They both giggled when Arthur replied with a "Me too". Arthur nuzzled up into the crook of Alfred's neck, feeling happy and his stress quickly leaving him to be replaced with love.

A/N Thanks for reading and I promise I will make a UKUS one later but the twist is that its a Pirate AU, so Arthur would be a the capatin and Alfred would be like a cabin boy so yep look forward to it :D

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