Case 1

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"The living world is a dream. The nocturnal dream is a reality."
-Edogawa Ranpo


All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.

We are all the actors who played the role we were given like a marionette puppet, by God or not- we were controlled and manipulated, as easily as it is to tell a lie to deceive each other.

Give or take, there's probably more than 7 billion people that populated on this earth and every single one of them has told at least one lies during the entire span of their life. This is static fact, proven worldwide by psychologies and researchers alike, not baseless speculation on your part nor was it a prejudice of your viewpoint.

And you, out of the rest of that 7 billion people in this world, hate being lied the most.

The reason is simple- you can tell if they are lying with you. Just one look, one word, one label and it appeared.




Like illuminated data that shed light on your greyish and static binary world, forming the construction of their own thought behind the fabrication of their false incomprehensible lie, everything that is the truth lay bare before you who was constantly being exposed by a discerning, all-seeing eye.

Liars are the cause of all the sins and crimes in the world.

One of the things that you were endowed, a both given gift and curse.

This is an undeniable fact. A fact that you have learned through your childhood in a hard way and you had no option but to swallow it, even if the pill was bitter and painful for you to accept, no matter how futile the attempt to lie to yourself.

Deception Detection.

As it suggests, it is the ability to detect a lie. You weren't sure how you got this ability in the first place, but it works naturally ever since you began to learn that not all people you meet are honest and telling the truth about them. Treading on a thin line between black and white, you can tell it from the moment you meet with their gaze, analyzing their body language or from their facial expression alone. Despite how they tried to conceal what lies beneath their façade and put on an invincible mask, no matter how many layers they veil themselves, you can see right through them like clear glass.

Everyone is, unfortunately, a liar- for a good cause or not.

Even your grandmother who has raised you was not the exception.

Although she's the one who raised you, she never wanted to tell you anything about your parents and seeing kids on your age with their father and mother, you had asked your grandmother about their whereabout while being completely ignorant. The truth comes as soon as she tells you the lies, one that you regret to know and wish you had never asked;

"They passed away from a car accident while you were young." When the truth is; 'How can I tell you that your mother commits suicide after being defiled by an unknown man and ended up giving birth to a vile daughter like you?'

At first, you didn't understand. Why do you see the contradiction with the words that left their mouths? How come you can see the truth lies beneath their words? You were young, stupid and naive. And most of it, you are gullible and innocent about the true nature of this world and the true colors of adults. Even when you tried to question them further, they would always deny it and brush you aside like a nuisance pestering them about.

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