Case 11

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Hello everyone who has read this fic so far. I would like to thank you for still reading this. However, I have news to tell that I have re-edit and rearrange the story as the whole plot. So if I may be so bold, there's minor change with major editing, especially from chapter 9 to this chapter. If you have the time, please read from chapter 9 again since I already change the storyline from there. But if you didn't want then I will note below what chronological changes I have made from chapter 1:

1. The reader just came back from abroad after becoming a prosecutor in London
2. Arthur Conan Doyle is the reader's role model!
3. Instead of rejecting Ranpo first offer to be his disciple, Reader slaps him in chapter 4!
4. There are new scenes and changes of dialogue at the beginning of chapter 5 and the end of chapter 7! I included the case from Ranpo's work, The Man in The Attic
5. Please read chapter 9 again, this one has important conversation with Ranpo that I changed and at the end of chapter 9 is an additional dialogue with Dazai which shows an insight of Reader's ideal strong belief! It is important to understand the reader character's development!
6. Chapter 10 also takes a different turn after the Fyodor part where Reader did not join ADA but proposed on forming a joint investigation team instead!

From chapters 1 to 10, there's really a lot of additional of small details, to think I actually have written 44k words so far in this fic! I never imagined I would put so much effort into this! And guess what? It was just a momentary impulse after I watch ace attorney to create a reader insert prosecutor, and then I read Psychology Test from Ranpo Edogawa's real-life work and it turned out about a district attorney is trying to solve an impossible case with the help of Kogoro Akechi (the very famous sleuth character that Ranpo himself create in his work)! I literally had no idea about it before I read the work!

I don't know how much this a coincidence was, but I am really happy how this story turned out to be, I got the same premise idea with IRL Ranpo, and now is using him in this fanfiction lmao!

So without further ado, before proceeding, I imploreee of you to read from chapter 9 again! Sorry for the inconvenience though and thank you for your time <3!

Also, this chapter is inspired by his work, Human Chair. I remember I read it for the first time and actually give me chills and make me trauma to sit on any sofas!

Warning for disturbing graphics ahead!


#1 letter, written by Chisaki Koshikawa

Dear Mother,

If you are reading this, then it is safe to say that I have reach nirvana that I so desired for. I am now with my sworn lover, from now to the end of my time. There's nothing I would love than to spend the rest of my life with him. I hope you won't bother to look for me, for I reach the land beyond a dream. Oh, please don't be sadden dear Mother, I am merely choosing my happiness to finally reunited with my love one. If I may be so bold, I would like to ask your hand in blessing.

With regard, Chisaki.


#2 letter, written by Miami Rai

Dear father,

Lately, I have been in a dream of clouds in a monastery. I am surrounded by love and graceful attention from my lover. There's no other than him could make me so blissful in my sleep, so I have decided to join with him as one. I leave this letter to you to let you know how much I am in love with him. Do not look out for me for I have leave this country, to reach the land of my desire Valhalla. The place where I longed for, now here I am, in the hand of my lover. The one that has given me salvation from this misery.

Love, Miami.


#3 letter, written by Hano Kazumi

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