Case 19

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Do you honestly think you can buy this...? 

No, it's honestly baffled you the most that the price is so exorbitant, and it even was rare to find out in general store. So, you look up through the internet to buy it online but the moment you look at the price, you had to squint your eyes twice to see whether you were mistaken about it or not.

That Honey Buddha Chips... 

"So expensive!" You cried out in front of your phone and then closed the apps. It was the only thing that you hadn't get your hand on it yet. "Who even buys that stuff just to eat it? Ridiculous." You thought to yourself. In the end, no matter how exclusive it is, the food we eat will just digest so all the same, it's a waste of money.

Plus, unhealthy.

If you were to check all the cholesterol and the amount of sugar in the snack that Ranpo usually takes, you can bet he going to have diabetes soon enough if he didn't take precaution in his diet. With all the complications of various health issues later on, he could've died of atherosclerosis or cerebral hemorrhaged for all you know. But then again, you shouldn't worry too much for him now, don't you? After all, worrying and caring for someone too much might just end up hurting you in the end.

Like everyone else that always leaves you behind.

Ah, this is bad. Just thinking about your past make you feel down. You need to get rid of that negative thought. Right, you shouldn't meddle about this too much.

Almost a week after the last case that you handle, you weren't able to come to Armed Detective Agency as you were busy with filing reports and to arrest those involved in the drug case with an official warrant that your chief approved. It was hard to convince him, but you managed to prove your point and valid evidence. Well, of course, you had to face his nagging about what Kyouka has done before and he even questioned why you bring the convict around with you. In which you had to explain that you didn't have real evidence about her crime to say that she was, indeed, guilty. It's not that you lie or covering for her, you are saying based on the situation.

If it appears that she's indeed in wrong, then it probably the government special abilities department that will apprehend her. However, you are rooting for Kyouka to be given second chance after you spend time together with her. Perhaps you have become somewhat mellow now. But she changed your mind and you have sworn to be better—Ehhh??!

"Oi, that dangerous! Don't just suddenly cross the street!" You shout inside your car and press the brake pedal in an emergency. It's not liked the person outside there could hear, but you did show how visible annoyed you are. If you were too late, you could have hit over them.

That person is staggering on the street with a face that you can describe what looks like a zombie. Their eyes bloodshot and then they were coming to your car's direction. There is also a weird blotch mark apparent on their neck, face or forearms.

"What is happening here?" You crane your neck to see a better view of the street. Why is everyone acting weird as if they are losing their mind? There is a child crying without their mother at their side and fighting between men and women straggling each other. Furrowing your eyebrows, you were about to exit your car to assess the situation, but another random person has slammed right beside your window with a crazed look and they are trying to open your door and shake your car while spouting curse. Luckily it was locked from the start you drive.

"Eiikkk! What the hell?!" You can feel your heart pounding and you revved your engine again. This time, without caring for red light you speed ahead to Armed Detective Agency office. You can worry about any fine later. Along the way, the smoke already billowing and there already someone starting a fire at the street as if you were witnessing a riot. But they don't seem that they have something against the government as everyone just... acting weird and scary that they seem to lose any reason to be rational.

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