Case 23

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Ka cak!

The camera light flashes upon the lifeless body. The skin hardened and the colors already drained for hours since the victim's last breath. It was truly a tragic end for a woman such as Youzo to end like this. Her eyes dilated in shock and threatening to bulge out as her wrinkle fingers and hand contorts in an unnatural way. While her body twist, her mouth left agape as though she was still bellowing and silently cursing even in her death. She had no relatives and lived on her own. It is unfortunate that no one is left for her heritage, and so no one was at the time when it took place. 

During the murder.

No evidence left.

A perfect crime.

Or so the culprit thought it was.




"Haaaa... I'm so booooooreeeeed!"

Ranpo whines and kicked his legs as he sprawls on the comfortable sofa inside the agency. Another day is equivalent to another boring day for him when there's nothing for him to do. Well, to be precise, perhaps we have to say that Edogawa Ranpo chooses not to do anything despite knowing he can do many things. But he would prefer not to waste his precious energy doing menial tasks and rather procrastinate instead.

Even though the boredom is slowly killing him.

Ah, he can't stand another second of this.

"Is there any interesting case at all?" He inquired in a flat tone. Hoping that anyone that was nearby would give him the answer. His brown hat rest and covers half of his face. There have been increasing demands and requests for the agency, but so little that piqued his genuine interest as of late.

"Hmm, Ranpo-san. What about the case we received earlier?" Hearing his question, Kenji suggests and lifts up an envelope in his hand from the nearest table.

"What is it about?"

"It's to investigate about this smuggling syndicate that the military police have handed to us."

"Eh, sounds so boring."

"What about this one?" Kenji suggests the next one. "A traffic incident of hit and run?"

"Ah, nope. Give that for Atsushi to handle."

"Alright then. There's also this case..." and so Kenji had laid out several cases on the table that Ranpo could solve in an instant if he had just activated his ability Super Deduction, but none of it still appears appealing to him. It is no different than serving him many varieties of food, but Ranpo still didn't found his appetite looking at the plate. Perhaps, one could say that he is a picky eater or a gourmet and only pick the dish that will appeal to him.

"Kenji-kun, I would rather die by boredom sooner than solving a boring case like this. This is so not a level for a great detective like me!" Ranpo exclaimed and cross his hand. He pouts childishly, despite he was the older one than Kenji here.

"I'm so sorry, Ranpo-san. This is really the case we have so far. All the difficult cases have already been solved by you right away."

"Heee... Is that so? Well, it cannot be help then." Ranpo then had to relent to that fact. "Everyone is really just so hopeless after all." He mumbles under his breath in a disappointed tone. Ranpo always seems to be disappointed with everyone, isn't he?

Well, with the exception of the president, of course.

His messy tress was comb by his fingers and it falls back to its place. Then Ranpo once again lay back to the couch, back to his natural habitat.

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