Case 22

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In the afternoon, the members of Armed Detective Agency are having a break inside the Uzumaki café, each member is feeling their energy depleted with the burnt-out syndrome. Adding with the scorching weather outside, it was not helping them to feel in spirit again. So, here they are, enjoying the time they have after the big job cleaning the battle with the Guild before.

The bell ring from the door and everyone cast a glance at the one who just enters the café.

It was another day that you had come to this café and the pleasant aroma of coffee inside the precinct filled your nostrils and relaxed your mind and tense body. You had just come right on time that Ranpo was here as well.

"Heya, (Name)-chan~" Dazai greets you from his seat and waving at you in a lethargic way.

"Hello, everyone." You replied back and give them a slight bow. Aside from Dazai and Ranpo, there is Tanizaki, Yosano, Atsushi, and Kenji who were engaging in their conversation before you had come. Taking your seat at the vacant spot near Ranpo and placed down a document in your hand on the table. Finally, you have time to let out a small sigh escape from your mouth.

"What's that? Another new case?" Ranpo asks you and sip on his drink lazily why laying his face on one side on the table. "Is it for me?"

"Not quite right." You order a coffee like the usual first from the barista before resuming to answer Ranpo. "But it is a case handed to me for a trial today. I come here to ask for your opinion about it to solve the case, Ranpo-san."

"Ahh... I'm lazy... so I will pass." He sounds disinterested about it and dismissed you right away.

"Eh? But I really need your opinion. The trial will continue tomorrow." You plead him but Ranpo did not move at all. He was still slouching his head on the table and emitting a lazy aura. Again, what can you do to make him aid you? Do you need to beg for him as you have done for the first time? But before this, it was your fault... this time, you didn't even do anything wrong to him. You are making a troubled face and Dazai interjects the conversation as he was intrigued to know more.

"Oh, a trial? What is it about this time?" Dazai asks and evinced his curiosity. He had nothing better to do until the lunch break is over for them.

"Well, how do I say this... guess I will explain from the beginning." You construct the information inside your head chronologically to recount the event that transpired inside the courtroom before you came to this café today.




XX/XX/XX, 10:00 AM
District Court, Courtroom no 4

Bam! Bam!

The hammer pound and resound in the room.

"Court is now in session for the trial of Ihara Suzuki."

The judge has declared.

"The defense is ready, Your Honor."

"The prosecutor is ready as always, Your Honor." You stated with your back straightened up and did a slight curtsy in grace. This time as well, you are not going to lose the trial with every preparation ready at the tips of your fingers. All that is left, is to deliver the truth and justice as you have always done. This is your battlefield and the opposite side is the foe that you must defeat with every ounce of truth that you have obtained.

And so, the cross-examination begins.

"The prosecutor will now call for the first witness of this case," and then stand at the podium to give the testimony is Detective Minoura who investigated the crime scene.

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