Case 5

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The world that you live in has different colors that dwell and mixed together. But what you could see is just black and white; the colors of truth and lies.

That itself, is not an exaggeration or just some groundless metaphor.

You existed between the thin line that separates two of the vital elements as if representing the scales of justice itself. But you are not the arbiter that weight between fairness in the judicial process nor presenting the personification that verdict the disposition of the offender. The impartiality in judgment is the fundamental of the verdict that the judge dictates, every decision should be based on objective criteria rather than on the basis of bias, prejudice or preferring the benefit to one person over another for improper reasons. It is not so different than the principle that you follow.

But there's distinguish different lines over your role.

You are the guardian angel of court, the one that discerns the truth behind every falsehood, the one that will bring truth to light and the one, more so than anyone else who stands in the same sacred ground as you were, determined to deliver absolute justice. For that notion, you must not be sway by your emotion, nor must you be quelled by your indecision. You must not turn blind towards any injustice that occurs before you. No matter what it will cost you, show no mercy or room for them to escape from your grasp.

For there is only one thing that matter in the courtroom;

That is who you are, the prosecutor.

All lies the evidence in your hand, and all that left is to prosecute the sinner as the final act.

"OBJECTION!" Standing before the defendant, you raise your hand and point at him with unwavering faith.

The defense attorney flinched and looks disordered-he is losing the trial.

"Why is it so, Prosecutor?" The judge that sits in the middle of the courtroom asks solemnly.

"There's a contradiction with what the defendant said before. The defendant was in his room when the murder took place, around 8.30 pm. But truthfully he was at the scene and exit his room using the duct. Please look at this picture, we found his thumbprint and can confirm the footsteps that match his." You stated and give the evidence to the judge. "With this blueprint, it will only take around five minutes to travel between the room; given how similar the room is and the distance, there's no doubt he already practiced it beforehand. And, given his diminutive figure, then that wouldn't be so difficult for him to travel through the passage."

"HOLD IT!" The defense attorney protest from the opposite side. "That is not enough to prove. What if he just there to clean the air for better ventilation? The hotel is not in good condition after all. There are many complaints about it."

"What if?" You can't help but chuckle with a sneer, "That is the worst thing to say, sir. You don't even trust your client, that statement sounds validly indecisive." Like a hawk that circles his prey, your gaze was that of a predator. "That is why the hotel was chosen to be the place, because of its condition. In the first place, why would he go there knowing the bad reputation the hotel holds when there's a record of how many times he had lodged in there? Right, because he found out about the duct passage that allowed him to spy on the next room, and maybe many other rooms next to him."

You glaze over the defendant who was chewing on his lower lip. There's no excuse he can make to wing his way out. You just clip away his wing to fly.

"If you can't even tell that, you are worse than amateur that you claimed standing before you." You declared and look down at him since you have the higher ground.

"The law is absolute, only evidence matter in this room. It speaks the truth over this whole crime. And the more you tried to conceal the truth... the more it is visible before me. Anyone who stands before me is a liar. And that's included you."

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