Case 18

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A few days after...

Ranpo lay his head on his desk and slouch his shoulder in lethargic. He was in low of his energy and running out of his sweets and snacks for his supply. His raven hair caress against his skin as he let himself being cooled by the air-conditioner inside the agency office. These few days have been dreadfully boring with uninteresting cases, or plainly, the easy one that he just solved right away with just a single glance. Everyone is busy prancing around in a panic because of the recent news and no one pays attention to him to go and buy him his snacks (because it was too dangerous to go outside alone). Plus, you hadn't come to give him a new case either since you were busy settling the drug case involving that DIET member and attend other minor stuff that is not very important.

Really... shouldn't the disciple be the one that always needs to come towards their mentor?

Why is he the one ended up waiting here?

And why is he thinking about you?

He let out a long, low sigh escaped from his throat. You two haven't known each other that long, but he sorts of liking your presence already. Though, he wouldn't actually admit that out loud, it was still too soon for him after all. But through his years of experience, there was no one he has met that has piqued his interest this much, that he could tell. But this is getting annoying, perhaps the way you almost catch up to his wit? Nah, that can't be.

Ranpo has told himself many times that no one would be able to reach his equal intelligence. Even if it was you, it will take a thousand year. You are still amateur, still have many thing to learn from him, the pro. Is it the way you seems excited about cracking the case? Right... the way your eyes sparkle whenever he talks about his deduction... that great attention was just given only for him. That sort of make him feels good (Ranpo has always felt good about himself, when did he ever felt down?) and it just boosts his ego and pride even more. Or the way you follow his line of reasoning even with his subtle hint? No one here (except maybe Dazai) could get what he was thinking at all. As always he needs to spell it out one by one like teaching a kindergarten kid, thought he actually don't mind boasting about it. Or maybe, or maybe he is just-

"-po-san, Ranpo-san, Ranpo-san." His name was called several times by Kunikida.

Ranpo subtly clicked his tongue when he was being interrupted from his idle thought, "Mhm. What? Can't you see I'm busy right now?" Contrary to what he said, he actually was doing nothing at the moment. Kunikida sort of sweatdropped, but he continues what he was trying to say.

"The President is asking for you."

His body immediately stood up and went rigid hearing his summon as if he just being splash by cold water. "Eh, why?" He asks with a refreshed spirit.

"Well, to discuss something, he said."

Discuss something? What is it? He wonders and stretches his body and went immediately to the president's office. He probably could guess it accurately using his ability, but seeing it was personally requested by the president himself, there's no need for it as he could ask him directly. Ranpo knocks on the door several times, but he didn't even bother to wait for permission as he twirled the knob since the president might already know it was him.

At his table, he sat with a solemn and serious expression, permanent scowl with weary eyebags evident on his mien as he was reading today's newspaper and his attention was so fixated on it. Well, one could say that Fukuzawa has a natural resting-bitch-face. It always intimidated anyone that ever face him without knowing how he actually is (but Ranpo knows that he is actually a softy inside given how long they have known each other). And given his former occupation that he had in his past; it was natural for him to develop that kind of appearance, just like a stain that can't be wash away, it has become everlasting for Fukuzawa to have that kind of countenance. Ranpo curved up his mouth to form a beam, hand in his pockets as he approaches his table in a leisure manner and chirp casually.

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