Case 16

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What does the killer have in mind when they kill a person with their own hand?

That question runs through at the back of your mind like the tires that run your car, screeching on the asphalt along the road. The stretching view of Yokohama city come and bypass through your side mirror. You tap your finger on the steering wheel, while the radio is playing faintly in the background to encompass the silence.

Well... this is awkward.

To have the suspect of your case just right beside you, sitting like a porcelain doll without uttering a single word.

You surreptitiously glanced at her with your peripheral vision and as if she noticed that, she turned her head to you and blink her long eyelash with her glistening blue orbs.

Ah. What are you supposed to talk to her with right now?!

"S-so, you have read the case file, right?" You immediately come up with a topic to break the stillness.

"Yes. I have already memorized it all." Kyouka answer with a monotone voice. But there's not a single hint of doubt in her words as she convinced that she did remember all the details in the document in that short time she skims through the file before.

You note that she has a strong memory.

"I see... then, I won't have to explain to you further but remember, we are just going to scout the area and see something suspicious until we can fully assess the situation for me to get an official warrant. Understand?"

She nodded.

"Yes, I understand, [Last Name]-san. I won't fail."

Another thing that you note is that, there's a clear determination burning in her eyes as she speaks. Almost innocent-like, but with a strong resolve and steel will.

It's kind of remind you of someone that you know—


But you and her are in a different situation, right? You choose your path to become a prosecutor and stay on the right line that delivers justice to people. One could say, despite your upbringing, you are still lucky to live on the side of light, while her... you could only imagine what drove her to become a serial killer that kill those 35 people in cold blood way despite still being a young girl.

True to Dazai's word that he speaks to you before, that reality is not as sweet as you think it is.

But still...

Once you hold the knife in your hand and slit their throat and rob them of their life, that is still based on your free will, the weight of choice rested on your hand and you have to take responsibility for your action regardless of what you have committed.

You unconsciously look at your hands, while it still clear without any bloodstain, you still have caused a life to end indirectly, that is your mother's.

However, if you were to look into her situation, it's a different story. Very different.

Was she forced to kill or was she really willing about it? You do want to ask her further, cross-examining her, but those questions stuck in your throat as if you are afraid to ask it out loud. It's like you were looking at a mirror of someone that could be you if you did stray from your path.

Is this... why Ranpo tag you and her together?

A girl still so small yet weighted those sins upon her frail shoulder alone.

One soul already tortured you to this extent, let alone, if you have to carry those 35 kills that trail in your path by your own self. It will haunt you for sure, to day and night, as their death keeps whispering into your ears, gripping your heart with endless guilt until it consumed your sanity.

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