Case 3

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"Yare yare. Police in this city really depend on me that much huh? They can't even solve a simple case and catch one criminal without my help. But as a matter of course, it is a fact that everyone needs a great detective like me to solve it." He announced boastingly. It almost sounds plain obnoxious for you to hear.

'You guys are just incompetent fools and can't survive without me! And that's a fact!'

You have never met someone as conceited as he is just by reading his thought alone. But his exclaim does not contradict with his inner thought, perhaps he is a real deal?

Or... was he just all talk but no bark?

"By the way (Name)-san... what does prosecutor exactly do? If you don't mind me asking," Atsushi began to inquire since he was yet to familiarize himself with all the investigation stuff.

Well... what exactly is a prosecutor? An interesting question.

Prosecutor usually investigates crimes together with the police. They will contact the person suspected of the crime, the victim and witnesses, and have close contact with the police. Once the preliminary investigations have been completed, the prosecutor judges whether there is sufficient evidence to bring the case to court. If it is a minor crime, and the suspect admits his or her guilt, the prosecutor imposes a fine. This is referred to as an order of summary punishment, and no trial will be held.

If an action is initiated there will be a trial in a court of law. The task of the prosecutor is to prove that the suspect has committed the crime. You need to question the suspect, the witnesses and experts in order to establish that the suspect is guilty.

In other words, to make it simple, "We investigate crimes, then decided to instigate legal proceedings to appear in the court if the felony is heavy and to prove that the suspect in question is guilty in a trial."

"Ohh... that sound amazing, (Name)-san. Although seems complicated for someone like me to understand. But you do look young to be an attorney. How old are you?" He tilted his head and his segmental heterochromia optic glossed with a curiosity to know.

"(Your age.)"

"Eh? Y-you are not that older than me?!" He suddenly cried in surprised.

"Why? Do you think I look like an incompetent amateur?"

"N-no, that's not what I mean!" He frantically tried to defend his statement. "What I mean is, that is an amazing feat (Name)-san. I have never been in the court before, but I heard being a lawyer is hard, so I'm impressed." He expressed in honesty.

'I wonder how much the salary of being a lawyer? It hasn't been long since I joined the agency...'

"Hey! Nothing is impressive as me when I'm here!" Ranpo interrupts your conversation. His slanted eyes assessed you once again. "That occupation sounds boring to death. You know, why go to that length when I, the famous detective can just solve any case with one glance?" He stated. "It's a given that you only need a detective such as me here."

You furrowed your eyebrows together at him.

"What do you mean by that? Prosecutor is also an important job." You refute back, "As a detective, you collect evidence and solve the case, true. But without prosecutor attorney, who will prosecute the verdict of the defendant in court whether they are guilty or not?" And to make sure they receive the right punishment befitting of their crime? There are many criminals out there who was convicted of their crime, but their punishment was light, short and... unfair even by the law. Without comprehending these responsibilities, he dares to look lightly on you?

"Heh. How stupid. Do I really have to spell that out for you?" He shrugs his shoulder and shakes his head, "It's really is simple. Even a kid in a neighborhood can tell you this much. As a famous detective such as myself, I can tell you the name of the culprit, their method, the time of the victim death took place, the witnesses, their motive without even going to court in just one glance!" He pressed once again with his unwavering confidence and taps his temple.

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